
Laptop Lunches Bento-style Kits

laptop lunches kit

Okay, this isn’t a gadget, but hey – even gadget-lovers eat lunch!  This bento-style lunchbox from Obentec is a waste-free way to pack lunch for yourself or your kids.  The Laptop Lunches kits were developed by two women who wanted to reduce the staggering amount of paper and plastic waste generated each day in their childrens’ school

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Lose the fork, Luke!

thinkgeek chopsabers

Fan of Star Wars and sushi?  This elegant utensil for a more civilized age may help add some fanboy/fangirl fun to your next galactic feast.  Two-pack Star Wars Chop Sabers…er…Sticks are plastic and feature highly-detailed, movie-accurate lightsaber hilts in three different blade colors–Jedi Luke Skywalker blue or Yoda green (Yoda’s is slightly shorter length) or

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Retro modern bread browning gadget – Bodum Bistro Toaster

Brighten your kitchen counter with one of these 900 watt Bodum Bistro toasters. I think it’s kinda funny to call them retro / modern. But I guess toasters will be considered retro appliances until someone invents a laser toaster or something. 😉 The Bistro does all the obvious toaster tasks such as um… toasting. But

Retro modern bread browning gadget – Bodum Bistro Toaster Read More