Danny Welsch

OutdoorMaster Gem Recreational MIPS Cycling Helmet review – an incredible value you hope you never need.

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REVIEW – A few months ago, I had my worst crash ever in 25 years of riding and racing bicycles.  I was riding some dirt roads in North Carolina and hit a large root hidden by leaves.  The front of the bike stopped, but I didn’t. Going about 20 mph, I flew like superman head-first […]

OutdoorMaster Gem Recreational MIPS Cycling Helmet review – an incredible value you hope you never need. Read More

Hohem iSteady Q gimbal review – Well built, great value, but do you need it?

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REVIEW –  It usually seems like a great idea to increase value by taking several products and building them into a single innovative and well-constructed package, which is what the Hohem iSteady Q gimbal is.  It does what it does very well.  But in my experience with it, I kept coming back to the same

Hohem iSteady Q gimbal review – Well built, great value, but do you need it? Read More

Motorola MA1 Wireless Android Auto Car Adapter review – It just works! (most of the time)

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REVIEW – It might not seem like much to plug your phone into the car to access Android Auto each time you get in for a trip, but a few days with the Motorola MA1 Wireless Android Auto Car Adapter will change your mind. What is it? If you’ve bought or rented a new car

Motorola MA1 Wireless Android Auto Car Adapter review – It just works! (most of the time) Read More