If you are a gadgeteer, you probably have a lot of gear. Gear that usually ends up in a heap at the bottom of your gear bag. I’m sort of a neat freak when it comes to keeping my gear organized and easy to find. I’ve been using one of WaterField’s gear pouches for years now and recently added 2 of their iPod gear pouches to my collection. Not long ago, they sent me yet another one of their pouches to try. This time a set of their Cableguy pouches. There are 3 sizes available in black with your choice of 4 trim colors: Lead (grey), Taxi (yellow), checkers (red) and Blue, these are flat unpadded zippered storage pouches.
Sizes in include small (8 x 5.5 inches), medium (11 x 7 inches) and large (14 x 6.5 inches). Made of ballistic nylon, each pouch has two rubber covered self locking zippers. One on each side of the pouch.
The small pouch has 2 interior mesh pockets on each side of the pouch. The pockets are all equal sized and as you can see in the image above, they are large enough to hold a video iPod.
The medium sized pouch also has 4 pockets.
The largest sized Cableguy pouch has 3 pockets on one side of the pouch and 2 on the other.
All of these pouches work great at holding cables, adapters, devices, etc. The orange interior lining makes it easy to see your gear.
I really love these pouches. My gear bag has never been as organized as it is right now! If you’re looking for a easy way to carry your gear inside your gear bag, this is the way to do it.
$19 – Small
$22 – Medium
$25 – Large
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34% OffProduct Information
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Manufacturer: | Waterfield |
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