Upright Go 2 personal posture trainer review – Stops the slouch

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REVIEW – Slouching not only looks unattractive, but it can affect your health in a variety of ways like neck and back pain. Telling yourself to sit up straight is easy but actually doing so on a consistent basis can be harder than you think. That’s where the Upright Go 2 personal posture trainer comes into play. It makes sure you know when you need to quit slouching.

What is it?

Upright Go 2 is a personal posture trainer that provides biofeedback when you are not sitting or standing up straight. The device is wearable and can either stick it directly between your shoulders, or you can attach it to the optional necklace that you wear around your neck.

What’s in the box?

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  • Upright Go 2 personal posture trainer
  • Case
  • Adhesive patches
  • USB-C charging cable
  • User manual

Optional accessory

  • Necklace

Design and features

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The Upright Go 2 posture trainer comes with a small plastic box that holds the trainer and extra adhesive patches.

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The case has a cutout on the side so that you can charge the device while it’s in the case.

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The device itself is a small white plastic module that’s approximately 1.57 x 1.00 inches. The top surface has a button that you can’t see very well in the image above because it’s the same color as the case, but it’s under my thumb.

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The bottom edge of the Upright Go 2 has a USB-C connector that is used to charge the device.

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The included adhesive patches stick to the back of the Upright Go sensor and then you stick it between your shoulders if you decide to wear it that way – which I didn’t.

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I used the optional necklace accessory which is available for $19.90. This add-on is a soft silicone loop that I like using a lot better than the disposable adhesive patches which only last for around 10 sessions each.

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The necklace has a USB-C connector in the center that you plug into the Upright Go 2 module.

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There are magnets on either end of the necklace that snaps together so you can wear it around your neck. The sensor rests between your shoulders.

How does it work?

The first thing you’ll need to do is charge the device. One charge will provide up to 30 hours of use. The next step is to install the Upright Go app.

The app asks a series of questions in order to tailor training sessions to you. It also lets you switch between two modes: training and tracking. In training mode, the module will use biofeedback to alert you with a gentle vibration when it detects that you’re slouching. Training is set to short daily sessions to train your brain and your body to improve your posture.

Once the daily training session is completed, you can switch to tracking mode which keeps track of the time during the day when you had good posture and the percentage of time that you were slouching.

The vibration feedback while using the Upright Go 2 sensor definitely gets your attention without being startling. But the vibrations can become really annoying if you’re doing something that requires you to lean over for more than a few seconds. The vibrations will trigger over and over several times and if you have an Apple Watch, you’ll get a notification asking if you want to pause the training session. You can also reach back and press the button on the sensor to turn it off.

What I like

  • Easy to use
  • Discreet biofeedback
  • 2 wearable options

What I’d change

  • Nothing

Final thoughts

After using the Upright Go 2 posture trainer for over a week, I can say that it has made me notice how poor my posture has become from sitting at a desk every day for 8 hours or longer. I’m lucky that I do not suffer from chronic back and neck pain, but for someone that does due to posture issues, I can see how the Upright Go 2 could be very beneficial. While I wouldn’t want to wear this device 24/7 every day, I think it has positively influenced me so that I now pay more attention to my posture.

Price: $99.95
Where to buy: Amazon
Source: The sample for this review was provided by Upright Pose.

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