Uvnia kills germs on your toothbrush at home or while traveling

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NEWS – Everyone is scared of germs right now, and with good reason. Covid-19, I’m looking at you! One thing in your home that could benefit from germ annihilation is your toothbrush. I’ve seen large sanitizers, but did a double-take when I saw the tiny UVNIA which uses UV-C light to disinfect and destroy 99.9% of germs and bacteria in your toothbrush in less than 3 minutes.

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The UVNIA charges through USB and snaps on over the head of the toothbrush. A full charge of the device will allow up to 50-55 cleaning sessions, which means it’s perfect for home and travel.

You can read more about the UVNIA by visiting uvnia.com or Amazon where they typically sell for $29.99. The bad news is that they are currently sold out. But you can find other small UV sanitizers here including a small one like this one which is only  $23.99.

3 thoughts on “Uvnia kills germs on your toothbrush at home or while traveling”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I’m curious why you would need this. Unless you’re using the toothbrush for something other than brushing teeth the only bacteria/viruses on it came from your mouth. So how does sterilizing the toothbrush help if your mouth is still full of what you just tried to kill?

    UV-C LEDs use semiconductors to emit light between 255 nm-280 nm. UVNIA uses 278 nm. This paper suggests discusses optimal dose and wavelengths for sterilization. I didn’t see anything on the UVNIA site about the actual dose delivered so it is impossible to know if their claim of >99.9% bacteria killed is accurate.

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