Monitor your exposure to the sun and know when you should take cover with Sunscreen Bands

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Slathering on sunscreen doesn’t make you impervious to the sun, it just extends your safe period in the sun by a bit.  Even reapplying sunscreen during the day only keeps you safe for so long before you need to get out of the sun to prevent damage.  You can use these Sunscreen Bands to monitor when you need to reapply sunscreen and then when it’s time to go inside.  Before going out, liberally apply at least SPF 15 to your exposed skin, then put one of the monitoring bands on when you go out into the sun.  After a few minutes of exposure to the sun, the Sunscreen Band will activate and turn dark purple.  Apply sunscreen to the band and wait about 15 minutes for it to dry, then it will begin monitoring your exposure to both UVA and UVB radiation while you lounge, work, swim, or play in the sun.  When the band turns lavender, you need to apply another coat of sunscreen to both your skin and the bracelet before going back to your activities.  Once any part of the band then turns cream, you need to go inside or place covering over your exposed skin because you have reached the maximum sun exposure that you can tolerate for the day as determined by the SPF factor you use.  Sunscreen Bands are $12 for a pack of ten single-use bands.  They can be ordered online from the manufacturer; they are also available at Amazon, Walmart, ToysrUs, and several other retailers.  You’ll find a compete list or resellers at the Sunscreen Bands site.

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