Weller Soldering Iron giveaway!

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The generous people at Weller are giving 3 lucky Gadgeteer readers a Weller 25 Watt Standard Duty Soldering Iron. Our own Andy Chen recently reviewed the SP25NUS LED-lit Soldering Iron and gave it a thumbs up. If’ you’d like a chance to win one for your next DIY project, read on for details on how to enter.


Weller 25 Watt Standard Duty Soldering Iron

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 05/27/2013 11:59PM EST leave a comment telling us about your last DIY project.

2. At some point on 05/28/2013, I’ll pick 3 random winners using random.org. The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to choose their prize pack. If I do not receive an answer to my emails, I’ll do other random.org drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Gadgeteer writers, family members and close friends may not enter this contest.

3. the-gadgeteer.com is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

4. Winner must have a US shipping address.

Update 05/27: The winner’s are #10 Rainer Mueller, #44 Palo and #18 Vic. Congrats and thanks to everyone who entered this contest!
Read more at https://the-gadgeteer.com/2013/05/24/weller-soldering-iron-giveaway/#qwbegBZq6OHdHOTQ.99

54 thoughts on “Weller Soldering Iron giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I must come to this site at least 10 times a day. On to my last project.
    I have an old dying Weller Solder Station WLC100 that I’ve been using for years. Lastly I used it on my 95 BMW 540. Where I had taken every engine and other computer controller board out and re-soldered multiple connections within them. Experience level: Einstein. 🙂 It would be a great honor to continue my future projects with a new iron. Thank you for the opportunity.

  3. My last DIY was getting my fence to stand upright again after a huge windstorm had other ideas…

  4. My last DIY was refurbishing and rewiring an old ship’s deck-mounted searchlight to be a floor lamp. It’s pretty cool now. It throws a giant Death Star-esque pool of light up on the ceiling.

  5. My last DIY project was replacing the battery in my ipod touch. Battery was $5 and a bit of prying and soldering.

    Apple wants $79 dollars plus $6.95 shipping to replace the same battery. Thanks Uncle for teaching me how to solder!

  6. The last DIY I did was building a wooden mounting system for my soundbar since I have a stone fireplace and mantle.

  7. Andrew Lartigue

    My last DIY project was to restore old radio. Took me several months to locate the correct tubes. But it seems to be working.

  8. My last DIY project was turning some scavenged Ikea dresser drawers into a shoe rack for the misses.

  9. My last DYI project that included soldering was replacing the blinkers on my motorcycle with some brighter LEDs.

  10. Rainer Mueller

    My last project was modifying a set of GE LED christmas lights to make them controllable from an Arduino board.

  11. My last DIY was installing recessed lighting in my livingroom. I think I am still finding blown in insulation laying around various places of my house after it hitch-hiked its way onto my clothing. (this morning I just found some in my shoe at work….)

  12. My last DIY project was converting a stack of old pallets into two outdoor loungers. great for the summer bonfires!

  13. My last project was to fix the compass and temp gauge on my Dad’s Toyota. Used an ancient soldering iron to re-solder the connections. Next project will be to inset LED lights into a set of floor tiles for use under car in my garage – a great use of a new soldering iron from Weller!! Thanks for the contest!

  14. Patrick Mienke

    repairing the turn signal switch on My 2001 Dodge Ram the wire had come loose and had to re-solder with an old worn out iron this would have made life a little easier

  15. The last DYI for me was a refurbishment of my downstairs bathroom- from flooring, to cabinets, to paint and hardware. I taught myself how to do it to save big bucks, and it was worth it.

    Thanks for the great site!

  16. Last project was yesterday helping my son build an electromagnet!

  17. The last project I did was soldering a toy fan together after it had come apart. It was delicate work as there were plastic bits surrounding the metal flange I was trying to repair and I was trying not to melt them as I went along. The project turned out OK. I wished I had a quality instrument such as this one to do the work.

  18. Ernesto Nevarez

    I´m currently restoring a fiber glass RV that was in an accident, but it’s becoming way more complicated than expected. Everything is being redone and upgraded, from new appliances to full LED lighting

  19. My last DIY project was putting tile on the kitchen wall. I never did it before and it turned out pretty well!

  20. My last DIY was creating a solar generator to charge all my mobile electronics and to power LEDs to grow food. Worked out great & I can charge 3 phones 3 times before having to recharge the system!

  21. My most recent DIY project involved salvaging (by desoldering) some power MOSFETs for use in another DIY project.

  22. Bryan Broadbent

    My last project was soldering in 4 new capacitors on my LG tv power board. I used my old iron to heat up the old solder to remove the blown components and replace them with new ones that carried a higher heat rating. The repair company wanted $550.00 to replace the power board. I did it in two hours for under $20.00. I’m sad to say the old TV screen was broken in the last move 🙁 A new iron would take away some of that pain.

  23. My last DIY project was rather mundane. Taking down glass shower doors and repainting our bathroom, but I like how its turned out.

  24. My last DIY project was building a series of shelves with LED lighting to hold collectibles. It turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself.

  25. I fixed my extra long audio cable to connect my laptop to my projector across the room. The dog did not see the cable and ran through it….

    -ED KUO

  26. My last DIY project was an arduino based model rocket launch system with sound, led countdown and a rechargeable battery pack. Decided the old standby yellow plastic push button wasn’t cool enough for the kids. (May have been for me too. Just don’t tell the wife)

  27. my last DIY… hmmm what was it…
    I’d say it was when I made a suit of armor-costume out of cardstock

  28. My last DIY project was creating a cement base for my garage because a piece was broken

  29. My last DIY was to build a custom corner desk with LED lighting for my wife. scavenged wood an random IKEA parts. Turned out awesome.

  30. I have been helping my friend to set up our trailer camp for the upcoming deer season.

  31. Donald Schoengold

    My last DIY project was assembling some internet bought furniture. It was not supposed to be a DIY project but the pieces fit so badly and enough parts were left out including parts that I could not get at my well equipped local hardware store (anyone heard of McGuckins in Boulder CO) that it ended up as a DIY project. The vendor was willing to take it back and pay shipping but did you ever try to get stuff back in a shipping carton?

  32. I just finished redoing my main bathroom from the ground up…but kept just the tub. Lots of work with ceramic tile, wallpaper, new vanity and fixtures. Even had to knock out a wall to open the bath up a little. Lots of fun. Now that it is over I can get back to my hobby of creating decorative gourds. That is when i use the soldering guns for design and sure could use a new one.

  33. My last DIY project was building a cover for my tractor. It ended up blowing away and my wife was holding on to it. No one was hurt.

  34. My last DIY project was just today. I built a bike stand out of PVC for my sons bike. Turned out great, now I just need to get him to use it….

  35. I just made a pair of earrings for a friend. I want to do more jewellery design. A soldering.would be handy.

  36. My last DIY project was painting my cars rust spots by cleaning the affected areas and covering with an enamel paint. Hopefully, that will stop the proliferation of rust and prolong my ride.

  37. Just got an Aurdino and making cool things for the family for Christmas. Last year was my LED dice kit Id love a Weller with this years Christmas gifts that I make for everyone ! My weller solder station is now 20 years old a newer style would be cool !!!

  38. My last DIY project was turning an old wooden chair into a planter for Mother’s Day. It turned out great. I have several projects I would like to try that require a good soldering iron, so I would love to win.

  39. My need for a soldering iron is very simple. The computer on which I am writing this response will no longer charge via the power cord. I got a new cord, and the light in the brick goes on (so it’s getting power), but no dice with regard to battery charge. A friend of mine who is a computer guy looked at it and said that it’s the female adaptor that is attached to the motherboard. Since new motherboards are usually more expensive than the computer (especially with one as old as this one), the only option left is to try to fix it myself. Which means I need a soldering iron. Here’s hoping…!!

  40. Steve Loeffler

    My last DIY soldering project was reworking the SMTs and solder points on a 16GB flash drive for a friend. The drive “died”, containing hundreds of files and photographs, many of which had not been backed up. The “surgery” was a success and I was able to recover all the data on the drive.

  41. Last project was minor – setting up an array of 5 colour changing 3W LED housings in a ‘sunrise’ pattern behind the tv to give a deco sort of feel

  42. My last DIY project was this past weekend, my wife had me put a flower bed out front of the house as well as taking all the weeds out of the patio in our backyard.

  43. My last DIY project is still ongoing… my husband and I are building a boat. It’s his 5th boat and my 3rd. My last DIY project using a soldering iron was when I built a ham radio. Thank goodness the kit had very very good directions. It was fun and the best part was that it worked!!! LOL

  44. My last DIY was helping my son build a project to protect an egg in the classic egg drop science project. We were successful!

  45. My last soldering project was rebuilding the control box and cable of a truck mounted crane. My Weller soldering gun is perfect for heavy duty jobs. It would be nice to have one of these around for more intricate jobs. I used Weller while I was in the military, so I can vouch for the great quality.

  46. I’m not sure I want I want to discuss my last DUI – wait, you wanted to know about my last DIY…

    I’m not sure I want to talk about that either…

    Let’s just say that somebody left a handmixer in the (normally unused) second microwave that somebody accidentally turned it on while trying to reset the clock that ultimately required the mixer to be disassembled to change out some of the motor bits. Unfortunately my soldering gun wasn’t small enough so the bits are sitting around – I have a thirty year old Weller gun and I need a soldering pencil.

    BTW, the DUI was a poor attempt at being funny – I don’t drink.

  47. Mark Hauersperger

    My last DIY project was helping my son install a sound system in a 1997 Dodge Ram pickup. We had to move the seats forward to fit the subs behind them.

  48. The winner’s are #10 Rainer Mueller, #44 Palo and #18 Vic. Congrats and thanks to everyone who entered this contest!

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