IPee Address iOS App – When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go.

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Ipee address app1There is nothing worse than being in downtown San Francisco (or downtown anywhere) and you can’t find a public bathroom.  Forget about the small shops or stores that won’t let you use theirs or require you to buy a cookie or a latte in order to get a special code to use theirs.

IPee Address solves your problems!  Well, for iPhone/iPad users anyway…  The application allows you to find the nearest public restroom, cafe, or restaurant that has public restrooms for when you have to do what you have to do. It’s pretty much the best 99 cents I’ve ever spent.

Caveat Emptor:  Read the fine print.  Just because a bathroom shows up on the app, that doesn’t mean you can use it. The website claims the app is “for entertainment purposes only”, but a public restroom when you gotta go is at least worth a try.

9 thoughts on “IPee Address iOS App – When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go.”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. They need to add in information like presence of a accessible toilet or baby change facilities.


  3. Elizabeth Daugherty


    It’s not that kind of app. Parents who out with their babies are solely responsible for their child’s diaper changing…not mobile application.

  4. Janet Cloninger

    I agree with Michael. Parents may be responsible for the child’s diaper changing, but you need a place to change it. You can’t walk in to a restaurant and change the kid on the table – and I would never have considered changing my kid on a bathroom floor, either. If you have a physical challenge, it would be nice to know if you’d be wasting your time going to an establishment that you can’t use – even if you did make a required purchase.

    There’s no “entertainment” value to this app. I think they should make a little effort to give you useful info if they want your money. I can assume that most stores and restaurants have bathrooms. Their app doesn’t tell me anything I can’t assume for free.

  5. And I respectfully disagree with you both. The disclaimer on the app clearly states that they are not responsible for whether or not you can actually use the facilities it spots for you or not. What the app does is help you out if you’re in a situation where you need to use the bathroom.

    Parents are responsible for the toilet habits of their children, not mobile applications. If parents feel entitled to more special services, their best bet is to stick to the mall.

  6. Elizabeth. I’m sorry I don’t understand what your concern is. This app as it stands would be very useful for parents who have had their child grab their hand and yell in a loud voice to the whole shop “I’ve got to go pee NOW!”. I’m just suggesting some extra information that would make the make even more useful.

    What about the accessible (disabled) toilets information I suggested ? Do you think people who need those should “stick to the mall”.


  7. Elizabeth Daugherty

    My point is two fold: A: the app never promised to identify special amenities. In fact, it explicitly states that although it might identify a place that is a bathroom, they cannot guarantee that you can even use it.

    B: This application is very useful to many people but for 99cents, they have not exactly contacted every single public restroom in these United States to point out special services.

    I chose not to point out people with disabilities because those individuals tend to do their homework ahead of time to be near facilities that can cater to their special needs, be it a mall or Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, Oregon.

    A unfortunate vast majority of today’s parents however, with their double-sized strollers, hungry, cranky children and over-inflated sense of self entitlement do not.

    For 99 cents, I do not understand what you expect the application to do for you.

  8. I do understand what it promised. I was suggesting additional information that might make the app more useful. In the app world 99 cents is not totally trivial. There are some great free apps. It would not, for me, be worth 99 cents even if I lived in SF. Of course value is a very subjective thing.

    “A unfortunate vast majority of today’s parents however, with their double-sized strollers, hungry, cranky children and over-inflated sense of self entitlement do not.”

    I’ll not respond to this as it will take us too far off topic.

    Thanks – Michael

  9. Hey guys,

    This app works everywhere, not just in San Fransisco. I live in NYC and it is REALLY helpful! I gave it 5 stars!!!! It works everywhere in the world, in fact…

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