Keep Your Child Safe in the Summer Heat

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suddenly safe car alarmOne of the worst things about summer is hearing the news report of a child’s death because someone forgot their infant was in the carseat.  They go in to work for hours, and it’s too late for the child when they finally remember.  A grandfather who suddenly became a care-giver for his grandchildren was determined no harm would come to his grandkids because of a minute of forgetfulness, and he created the Suddenly Safe ‘N’ Secure Systems car seat alarms.  There are two versions of the car seat alarms.  Each has a receiver fob for your keychain.  The B-101 Safety Seat Alarm System ($44.95, left) has a transmitter that attaches to the car seat; press a button to “arm” as you are buckling the child into the safety seat.  The D-201 Deluxe Padded Safety Seat Alarm System ($69.95, right) has a weight-sensitive pad that goes under the safety seat that automatically arms the transmitter when the child is placed in the seat and disarms it when the child is removed.  When you move more than 6 feet away from the car, the armed transmitter will cause the receiver to emit an 80dB alarm and vibrate.  If my daughter was still small enough for a car seat, I would buy two of the Deluxe Padded Safety Seat Alarm Systems – one for each car.  Russ, the inventor, says you can buy extra receivers so each driver can have one.

(via WFMY in Greensboro)

4 thoughts on “Keep Your Child Safe in the Summer Heat”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Very nice idea!
    I’ve hear and seen on the news where someone forgets their child is in the car and come back to see the little kid toasted- I’m not trying to be mean but that’s what happens. Then the parents get put in jail and their other kids end up in foster homes.
    Good for this grandfather to invent something like this. Hell I’d be worried too about forgetting them if I was suddenly given responsibility of a kid!!!!

  3. Janet, Thank you very much for your well written and informative article. One of the best! FYI we do offer additional receivers at
    the time of purchase that link up to the transmitters. We also
    have an amazing new device that will alarm a parent or caregiver
    if the child falls into any type of water or wanders away. Sadly drowning takes away thousands of our children and is the leading cause of death in children under 5.
    Russ (Grandfather and inventor of the Suddenly Safe ‘N’ Secure System)

  4. Hi Russ, thanks for the kind words. That’s great that you offer extra receivers. By the way, I had seen your other products and was planning to write about them in another post later.

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