And too bad if “Crew Member #3” was cute. Set your phaser to “Not Winning!” He was going to bite it and soon. Now we all know that “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few… or the one”, (Thanks Dr. Spock) but the whole-red-shirt-crew-member-you’ve-never-seen-on-the-Enterprise-before schtick is so famous that they even made fun of it in the film “Galaxy Quest”.
Regardless. This shirt is beyond hilarious and it makes a great gag gift for a Trekkie or a great anonymous office gift for that jackass who can’t stop brown-nosing the boss. Available for purchase at Think, this is the ultimate in pop culture.
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Mr. Spock
Captain Spock…
you’re right…I DO want one. 🙂
Don’t wash the shirt in a mixed load or it’ll turn your underwear pink 😛