A Water Fountain for Your Dog

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doggie fountain taylor giftsNow that your pet has his own doorbell to let you know when he wants out, he’ll need his own water fountain to keep himself refreshed while he’s outside.  Taylor Gifts has a Doggie Fountain that attaches to your garden hose so he can have fresh drinking water whenever he likes by simply stepping on the metal plate.  The Doggie Fountain is $39.98.

3 thoughts on “A Water Fountain for Your Dog”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I am also very sorry that you lost your dog. It can be heart breaking.
    However I have a reply on your water conversation comment.
    First of all I am the inventor of the doggie fountain. See: http://www.doggiefountain.com
    I am in an agreement with the company that is marketing this new doggie fountain. While putting some video together 3-1/2 years ago, I came across a college student who had lost her 1-1/2 year old german shepherd to heat stroke. She or her sister forgot to water their pet that day. 100 degrees and very high humidity as I recall. I’m betting “water conservation” was the last thing on her mind when she found her dead pet. The water will end up in the ground and eventually back into the wells, river, lake, aquifier etc.
    My dog has been using his for four (4) years now. I just added a new puppy to our family household. She learned to use the fountain in two (2) days. This is the only water source she will ever know for about 8-9 months of the year.
    What’s the alternative? Bowls full of hot, dirty, slimy, bacteria filled water. Would you be willing to drink from your dog’s bowl?
    Think about it!!


    Tony Lytle

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