The GPS Angel can save you from a speeding ticket

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gpsangelSpeeding tickets are no fun. I know this from experience as I got one late last year. I was only going 11 miles over the speed limit and had to pay over $100 in fines. Maybe if I had the GPS Angel on my dash, I would have been saved… The GPS Angel V4 Red Light Camera and Speed Camera satellite technology to determine your vehicle’s current position, compares it to an on-board database of thousands of known red light camera locations and speed camera locations in the United States and Canada, and then alerts you in advance with visual and audible alarms when you are near a camera. It’s available now for less than $100 from online retailers such as

5 thoughts on “The GPS Angel can save you from a speeding ticket”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Julie,
    This is a good idea but many of the new radar detectors (if legal in your state!) also include red light and speed cameras with GPS on their units. This will also protect you from radar and laser.

    I recently got popped for 15 over in an area in NC that just dropped the speed limit 10 MPH. If I had the radar detector I have now I would have possibly missed a ticket.

    Sometimes it’s just a wake up reminder that you need. Not intentional speeding but just not as alert as you need to be. A new radar detector works for me!

  3. Wouldn’t it be a better product if it compared to a database of speed limits and let you know if you were inadvertently speeding? Of course, the people that would buy something like this don’t care about not speeding, just about not getting caught!

  4. Umm, red lights are red for a reason.

    A device that tells you when it’s okay to blow red lights is about as ethical as a device that shows you the safe routes for drunk driving.

  5. You don’t need this stuff if you just drive right. I haven’t had an accident or a ticket in 35 years.

  6. hmmm.NC is nothing but tress and roadway…distance is measured in 45mins. blocks of time, and speed helps if you don’t text and or speak on the phone! Ethics have nothing to do with the states alternate form of “state tax”” known as tickets, we’re getting the shaft with the toll roads anyhow. if you can’t drive seriously, beat it!


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