New Vaja iPad Cases Announced

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Last week Janet let us all know that Vaja was going to be making a slipper case (Retro Slim Jacket) for Apple’s iPad. Today, they have announce/pictured 5 additional cases that appear to be up to their usual, very stylish and form-fitting standards. Looks like they have designed a book, 3 ivolution styles (standard, SP, Stripes) and Grip (my personal favorite) versions. All of them look ideal for transporting and protecting your cool new iPad.

3 thoughts on “New Vaja iPad Cases Announced”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. They do look pretty sweet, but they are so expensive. I’d be almost as concerned about scuffing one of these up as I would the iPad itself.

  3. Oh boy. Vaja either read my mind (or paid attention to the suggestion I made when signing up for their iPad case mailing list). Looks like I’m going to be ordering one of these bad boys soon for my iPad.

  4. Hmmmmm, if only there was some tech review site that had a prior relationship with Vaja & could pull off some kind of – oh – whaddya call it? Contest!!

    (Too subtle? I can be blunt if necessary!)

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