Driinn Cell Phone Charging Ledge Review

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DriinnPhoneHolder 01Have you ever heard of the phrase “Purse on the floor, always be poor”?

Probably not… I propose a new version of this old adage: “Phone on the floor, always be poor”

I can say from personal experience that nearly every time I have left my phone on the floor I have become slightly less wealthly. Why? Because I’ve stepped on it.

When I am at home this usually isn’t an issue. I have multiple tables dedicated for the sole purpose of charging my gadgets. However, when I travel, hotels do not call me in advance to inquire about my preferences on where to place furniture in relation to the wall sockets. I usually have to resort to charging my iPhone on the floor.

Enter the Driinn Mobile Phone Holder.

First Impressions:

Made and designed in Italy, the product is made of a combination of plastic and rubber which makes is very light. Packaging is very minimal, yet still leaves room for instructions in English, Italian and French.

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The Driinn holder is placed between the electrical outlet and the AC adapter for your phone. The AC adapter holds the Driinn in place.

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I tested the Driinn holder with several items with different AC adapters and weights.

The first item that I tested the holder with was a Treo 650 with it’s original AC adapter. This adapter is oriented horizontally which held the product in place rather well. The weight of the Treo 650 did not strain the platform at all.

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The second item tested, also a mobile phone, was my 1st generation iPhone with my Vaja case. The iPhone’s USB-based adapter is oriented vertically and rather compact, which made placement of the holder a bit trickier. If the adapter was not situated at the very center of the top of the circle, the weight of the iPhone would start to pull on the adapter prongs and eventually cause the adapter, holder, and phone to fall.

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I do not have one of the newer compact USB adapters for the iPhone, but I imagine that it would be even more difficult to position the adapter to support the weight of the Driinn and iPhone.

My final item tested was something that I personally do not need to use, but many men do: an electric razor. The AC adapter on this razor is round and was excellent for anchoring the Driinn holder in place. The weight of the razor was much heavier than the two phones and so it did stretch the platform a slight amount.

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The Driinn is a easy inexpensive tool to keep your gadgets off the floor. It does not work well with every AC adapter, but the inexpensive price and ease of use more than makes up for it.


Product Information

  • Available in 8 Colors
  • Inexpensive
  • Light and compact for travel
  • Small AC adapters may not hold platform up
  • No cable management features

5 thoughts on “Driinn Cell Phone Charging Ledge Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. There are never enough shelves and tabletops. A mini-shelf makes room for something else.

    Oh, by the way, where do you put your purse so you’ll be rich. I need to know.


  3. I love gadgets, but SERIOUSLY folks, this thing DOES NOT WORK. I own one, and the ring prevents the the prongs of adapters from seating properly, and your phone will end up on the floor or counter, uncharged when you need it. The article mentions this, but still gives it a thumbs up at the end, why??

  4. @erick

    It think it depends on which adapter you use. It’s a tricky balance of adapter shape and gadget weight. For a $5 gadget that I only use when I travel, it’s not bad.

    That being said, I am fickle when it comes to travel gadgets. I’m always hunting for a lighter/more versatile/better version of everything I pack in a suitcase.

  5. These things are genius; so simple and yet so clever. My kids and I now use them constantly, home and away. Time saved finding a place where someone is not going to knock the phone off/step on it is absolutely worth the price alone. Not to mention, in a cluttered student room, invaluable.

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