Read About Featured Gadgeteer – Richard Raborn MD

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Name: Richard Raborn MD
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida

gotm nov 06 1

I am a 55 year old Internist in Boynton Beach Florida, a volunteer Medical Director at Caridad Center, and am in private practice with MDVIP, and am Chief of Staff at Bethesda Memorial Hospital

I have had a longtime interest in computers in medicine. My first business computer was by Bas-Med which was put out of business by Medic+. After all that hassle, I thought there must be better and easier ways to get information about patients to doctors and insurance companies. I wanted to use a device that made sense. I am a Star Trek fan. Handheld devices make sense! I have always been an early adopter of technology. I started using an early Palm to send prescrptions directly to phamacies that were legible thru Ephysician (now out of business). I have used phones such as the Samsung Que which was also Palm based. Later I purchased a Clio running Win CE and with wireless technology to use in the office. Now I have a Treo 700p and a Fujitsu tablet PC to run mdtablet software.

I lead the medical staff efforts to improve PDA use in the hospital, to improve patient safety, improve physician / nurse communication and save everyone time. The Seimens PDA access works fine with a Treo 700w. We gave out 10 Palm T/X devices as attendance rewards for meetings which came loaded with all the local info to work well in the Bethesda Hospital System. Now we are teaching medical students from the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University. PDA club meetings have been held. These activities have restored some of the joy in medicine for me. I own an IQue GPS that I have barely used. JAMA Tyler Chin interviewed me for two articles. One on PDA use and another on Holter monitors and computers.

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11 thoughts on “Read About Featured Gadgeteer – Richard Raborn MD”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Hey it is great seeing an article about a “medical gadgeteer” :rolleyes: I would love to hear more about what technology other folks in health care are using in acute care and other areas. As a recent RN transfer from the peds ICU to informatics, it has been a great experience working to capture the care that we perform on a daily basis and translate that into an interactive electronic medical record.

    FYI: PDAs that I have owned…Casio B.O.S.S., E10, EM 500 (the beloved brick), Ipaq 3765, 3900, Axim x50.

  3. Heart Health 4 all

    If you like medical gadgets then you should check out ReadMyHeart at
    This is the manufacturer’s website, they don’t sell it. Their info is pretty minimalist but the core of it is interesting: they have an OTC EKG. They have a full line of pal size lead 1 EKG, but there is one available to the public.

    I do think one of the distributors has more info,

    They say it’s the “1st and only FDA approved heart function monitor for OTC use”. It’s really small and weighs 4oz, and as far as I can tell, it’s pretty accurate. It records the heart’s electrical activity through the thumbs, but they have the standard electrode extension for optimum accuracy. Plus, they let people see the trends in their heart parameters over time, which prevents the “oh-my-G** what’s that reading” which people used to have with blood pressure.

    Check it out! I think there are a lot of medical gadgets out there that are awaiting to be discovered!

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  5. HEY Livy Lee the featured Gadgeteer of the Month is so cool!!!
    How do I get her email address?

  6. Hi Nelson. I saw that you have a WELLTECH cube MP3/Clock. I have acquired one without an instruction manual. Could you please email me how to operate it. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Cherrie

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