Judie’s Gear Diary – 2006-01-26

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Scott Jordon just sent out the following announcement:

"I just wanted to give you a heads up.  We just announced
our 5th anniversary sale.  Last year we offered 40% off for our 4
year anniversary sale, so we thought this year we had to do one better and are
giving 50% off (not everything but lots of items). 
See this link for details.  In addition,
we are also giving an additional 10% off with a special coupon code “NEWS300”
for orders over $300, so the actual saving is even higher than 60%!  The sale
ends on February 1, and if last year is any indication, we will end up selling
out of many of the items so we encourage people to act fast."

For example, a pair of
Ultimate Cargo Pants
are now going for $59.99, which is a serious

If you have been holding out on placing your order – now
is the time!


May I rant for just a moment about the latest USPS rate
increase? I guess email and faxes have really cut into their profits, but it is
irritating to have to affix those little two cent stamps to my letters on top of
the regular postage. I have a stack of Ranch W2s sitting on my desk that need to
go out, and I have plenty of 37 cent stamps…but only five "two centers". <sigh>


Does anyone out there actually own a
Flybook? I’d like to hear your thoughts
on it, if so. You all know that I am waiting on the
DualCor cPC to become available,
but if for some reason it turns into a multi-year wait or a vaporware disaster,
the colorful little Flybook keeps catching my eye. The Flybook has a rather
steep price tag however – about $2400! I would probably do better to get
another little Fujitsu laptop – perhaps the

P1500 D
for almost $1000 less.

Hopefully the DualCor will come out in a couple of months
and the decision will be made…


I have packaged up the HP Jornada 928 and am sending it to
Mitchell, writer of our HTC Wizard review. He lives in Australia, and the phone
services of that PDA should function correctly there. He has agreed to write a
review on the device, kind-of a perspective on how the new PPC Phone Edition
technology and devices compare to the old. I am looking forward to hearing his
thoughts. :0)

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