Julie’s Gear Diary – 2005-12-08

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Hi all. I’m sitting in my hotel room here in Seattle, Washington. The Mobius 2005 event ended this afternoon. I know Judie mentioned that we would be having a full article when we return, but neither of us took notes, so you’ll just have to settle for a couple of gear diary entries (Judie is going to follow up with a post with some pictures when she gets home). There were 22 people invited including the two of us. People from MobileTechReview, Treocental, Howard’s Forums, PocketPC Thoughts, Engadget, Unwired, PocketNow, Geek.com and other sites. It was nice getting to catch up with old friends and making new ones. Like the past two Mobius events, this one was very heavily focused on mobile phones, but some other cool stuff was talked about as well. Motorola showed off the Q phone and Peble phones, while Sling Media gave a demo on their Slingbox (I was very interested in this one!). We also were shown a demo of the Xbox 360. Speaking of the Xbox, Judie and I got some hands on experience with one the opening night of Mobius. Let’s just say that both of us suck at racing games ;o)

One of the most interesting talks of the last 2 days was one about Photon. This is the code name for the next version of the Windows Mobile OS. All we can say (we were asked NOT to give details as what we were shown is still in the development stage) is that the changes to the interface are going to be very very cool. The only thing is that this new version won’t be available for a long while… They wouldn’t say how long exactly, but 2006 and 2007 probably will come and go before Photon becomes a reality.

It was a fun 2 days, but I’ll be glad to get back home tomorrow. Even though I’m hearing that there are 6 inches of new snow on the ground and it’s still coming down.

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