itzkitz ipodkitz Review

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Product Requirements:
4G and iPod mini iPods

If you’ve been drooling over a
case for your 4th generation iPod, but didn’t want to shell out
$70-100+ dollars just for a case, then you must read the rest of this review.

ipodkitz from itzkitz give you not only an
iVod-like case, but also a USB 2.0 retractable sync / charge cable and a nifty
earbud cable wrap. Here’s the good part: you get all this in a cool metal tin
for less than $40! Too good to be true?

itzkitz ipodkitz1itzkitz ipodkitz2
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The hard-shell leather case included in the ipodkitz could easily be mistaken
for the Vaja iVod. Of course the color choice for the ipodkitz version is
extremely limited at Red, White and Black, but hey you’re getting it for $40.
Don’t whine about it!

itzkitz ipodkitz3
Left to right: Vaja iVod, itzkitz ipodkitz

Side by side, the ipodkitz case looks practically identical to the Vaja case.
The Vaja has a slightly padded top while the ipodkitz case isn’t. Both cases are
made of quality materials, both are equally rigid, both have a perfect circular cutout for the touchpad. Both have a
clear plastic window over the display, both leave the top open for access to the
earphone jack and hold switch, and both have a rectangular cutout for a sync /
charge cable. The only real differences between the two cases is that the ipodkitz case has a velvet lining while the Vaja is satin.

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Left to right: Vaja iVod, itzkitz ipodkitz with belt clip post

The back of the ipodkitz case has a threaded cavity that accept the optional
belt clip post. Adding or removing the post requires a flathead screwdriver. The
belt clip included with the case is the familiar black plastic squeeze style

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The other items included in this kit are the USB 2.0 tractable sync / charge
cable which is almost identical to the
reviewed here. The earbud cable wrap is a helpful widget that keeps
your cable neat and secure.

itzkitz ipodkitz7

If you’ve been struggling with the temptation to order the iVod case for your
4G iPod, you should really consider saving some $$’s and checking out this very
similar case. You’ll thank me…

Price: $39.99

Almost identical to the much pricier Vaja case
Included sync / charge cable

Only 3 colors to choose from


Product Information

  • Almost identical to the much pricier Vaja case
  • Included sync / charge cable
  • Only 3 colors to choose from

9 thoughts on “itzkitz ipodkitz Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. i want more! lol 😀

    how much thickness does this add to the ipod?
    it looks fine in your review, but on their website the case looks rather hefty.

    i currently use a speck products silicone case, which i’m not too partial too.
    was thinking of picking up a nice leather case to replace it with, this mite be the one.

    however, first i was wondering if you could help me answer a question.

    i’m pretty sure all silicone cases are relatively similar in thickness, would you be able to compare the thickness of the itzkitz to a silicone case?

    much obliged 🙂

  3. Just wondering, is this case the EXACT SAME SIZE as the vaja? If it IS, then I am going to get this case right away!

    I’m so tempted just to get this case instead of the vaja. But the vaja is only $20 more…

    What about the build quality of this case verses the Vaja?

  4. yOyOYoo:

    Yes, the size of this case is identical in my opinion. Build quality is slightly below Vaja but still extremely good.

  5. I received my ipodkitz today. The case is pretty nice… build quality isn’t perfect, I have one seam that doesn’t seem quite right, but for the price savings over the Vaja it seems like a good choice. Figure that it’s easily more useful than Apple’s plain old black case, for the same price, and you get the USB cable too… I’m happy with it.

  6. How long does it take for the ipodkitz to arrive (in the USA)? I’ve never ordered from a company located outside North Amreica and am concerned about shipping time and sending credit card info to a company in Hong Kong. Thoughts?

  7. Well, as you can see above I received mine on 2/5. Looking at my finance software to see when I ordered, I placed my order on 1/30. So turnaround time was pretty good!

  8. Nice! Especially now that Vaja no longer offers their “basic” 4g case.

    One major problem though (for me anyway), no option for click wheel protection.

    I sent them an email saying as much, but given that the 4gs are discontinued, doubt we’ll see it any time soon, if at all.

  9. yOyOYoo wrote:

    I’m so tempted just to get this case instead of the vaja. But the vaja is only $20 more… ?

    Actually, vaja has officially pulled a bait-and-switch, and the vaja case is now $70 and up. The “standard” case, which all the sites reviewed and based their ratings on, is now no longer sold. 😡

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