Julie’s Gear Diary – 2004-04-16

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PC to Mac Switch Day 3

Last night I only had time to import my 3800+ song collection from my PC to the PowerBook. I didn't realize how long it would take when I started the process… I made the mistake of adding the files to the iTunes library using WiFi. I started the import at around 6pm, and it wasn't even halfway finished when I went to bed at 11pm! This morning when I checked, it had completed. I clicked on one of the songs at the top of the list, and was surprised when a message asking me to authorize the song for that specific computer popped up. I've never seen this before. I'm guessing that the song I happened to click on, was one that I had purchased through the Windows version of iTunes on my PC. I sure hope I won't be asked to do this for every song in my collection that I want to play. I haven't tried connecting my iPod to the PowerBook yet. I'll do that tonight.

Next up is to move a copy of The Gadgeteer website and all my digital camera pictures. Then I need to find a decent HTML editor. Preferably one that is either WYSIWYG, or has a good preview mode. Coming from FrontPage (no wise cracks please…), I'm pretty spoiled.

I also want to find some good utilities to install for IRC, photo editing, RSS, etc.

Question: Are there any Sony CLIE TH55 / Mac owners out there? If so, what do I need to know about syncing my TH to the Mac?

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