Pygmy Pouch Review

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It is highly likely that most of our readers have had to buy several
different cases over the years as they upgraded to different PDAs. Depending on
your tastes, this might be quite an expensive prospect. One of the more obvious
ways to avoid this dilemma is to use a pouch that can adapt from PDA to PDA. The
latest case in this genre is the Pygmy Pouch
Roadfisher Limited Series, which is
billed as the "Everywhere Performance Pouch."

pygmy 1   
pygmy 2  
pygmy 3

At first glance, you might not be too impressed with the simple styling of
this 6.25" x 4.25" black microfiber case. But looks can be deceiving. Simply
handling the pouch will quickly reveal that the exterior is tough and should
easily withstand just about any type of daily abuse that regular use will
provide. It is also almost immediately evident that the pouch is very nicely
padded without taking away much interior room.

Sized so that it can hold just about any of the popular PDA models as well as
many MP3 players, the Pygmy Pouch has several touches that set it ahead of some
of the other available pouches.

pygmy 6 There is an open pocket on the front that is just perfect
for holding earbuds or other small yet bulky items.

While the website states that this pocket can also hold memory cards, I
would not use it for that. There is no means to secure the cards, so it
would be at your own risk.

The interior of the pouch has a long elastic strap that can
hold your PDA in place. The only problem I have with this is that if you do
secure your PDA in this manner, you need to make sure that you never
insert your PDA backwards. Why? Because the backside of the ABS plastic clip
is left exposed in the wall of the pouch and it takes no stretch of the
imagination to see if cracking a screen if the correct amount of pressure
was applied in the correct place.

If you put your PDA in front of the
elastic strap, you can almost use the elastic strap as a separate pocket, in
which case it is actually pretty handy.

pygmy 4

The interior of the Pygmy is quite roomy. My longest PDA, the CLIÉ NR70V,
easily fits with a bit of length to spare. There is also enough width left
inside the case that if there was another thin item you wanted to carry, you

pygmy 5   

The pocket clip design of the Pygmy is such that you do not have to be wearing a
belt for it to work. You just have to have a thin, flat surface that you can
attach the clip to. The clip is tight and seems quite sturdy, I don’t think it
would be easy to break or knock off, so I feel it is quite secure.

The Pygmy Pouch is a good idea for those that don’t want to keep replacing
their case, who like pouch-style cases, or those who need to carry more than
just their PDA or MP3 player. As long as you are careful about which way you
insert your PDA, this should be a protective and multi-functional case.

Price: $19.95

Vegan friendly
ABS plastic belt-clip that grips securely
Offers maximum padding in minimum space
Will work with virtually any PDA or MP3 player and can hold extra accessories

The exposed plastic clip anchor on the inside back wall of the pouch


Product Information

Manufacturer:Pygmy Pouch
  • Inexpensive
  • Vegan friendly
  • ABS plastic belt-clip that grips securely
  • Offers maximum padding in minimum space
  • Will work with virtually any PDA or MP3 player and can hold extra accessories
  • The exposed plastic clip anchor on the inside back wall of the pouch

3 thoughts on “Pygmy Pouch Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. The pouch looks nice but I don’t think I could carry my earbuds in the open pocket. Would buy it if it had a flap which could be secured with Velcro.

  3. Based on the review I ordered a pouch late last week (3/29). Fast shipping, I received it yesterday (4/3).

    Great case. I’ve been looking for something that I could use to carry my 515 with Palm mini keyboard attached, but couldn’t find anything. This really fits the bill for any thumb-type mini keyboard attached to a Palm machine.
    Well made, soft, really secure clip (maybe too secure…I have a devil of a time getting it on and off my belt. I guess I’d rather have it too hard than too easy.) Fits my 515 w/keyboard perfectly. I do agree about the clip on the inside…be careful!!!

    I’d definitely recommend this case for this specific application.

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