FlipCase Review

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The FlipCase by Synergy Solutions Inc. is a wrap-around leather cover/protector for the PalmPilot. This cover comes in a couple different color variations and a belt clip version. I was given the brown belt clip version for this review. Both the leather and stitching were of very good quality. A stylized ‘S’ for Synergy is embossed on the front of the cover. I personally do not care for emblems on my cases but this one is pretty understated and doesn’t stick out too bad. The portion of the case that covers the screen is reinforced with a plastic insert. There is also a slit in the cover that will hold a few business cards.

The FlipCase isn’t really a case because it does not enclose the Pilot on all sides. It’s a screen cover that is held in place with 3 pieces of Velcro (yuck). If you’ve read any of my other reviews, you probably know that I don’t like Velcro. To me it just seems like a lazy way to do things… and I hate sticking things to my Pilot.  If you don’t mind practically covering the entire back part of your Pilot with Velcro, then you might like this cover.

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Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate this case, but I also don’t love it… I have mixed feelings really. I used the FlipCase for a week to prepare for the review. It’s very compact (because there’s not much to it), easy to use and convenient. Nice things about this cover are that it doesn’t obstruct the buttons, contrast wheel, or stylus.  You also do not have to remove it to HotSync. Because the FlipCase is so minimal, it allows for quick access to the Pilot. Just pull the bottom Velcro tab, flip the cover open and voila.

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The best thing about this case is the belt clip. The clip is a pinch-type clip that can be attached to the band of your jeans, a belt, or your pocket. It has a nice tight grip that really holds. The back of the FlipCase has a plastic knob that slides into the belt clip and locks into place with a satisfying click. The FlipCase can then be removed with just one hand by using your thumb to press the release button.

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If you’re going to buy the FlipCase, I recommend getting the belt clip version… otherwise, stick with the original slip case that your Pilot came
with. The original Pilot case has quite a bit more protection.


Product Information

  • Doesn't add anything to the size of the Pilot.
  • Great belt clip.
  • Quick access.
  • Velcro, Velcro, Velcro.
  • Only protects the screen.

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