The Exotac MATCHCAP keeps your matches dry

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matchcapThe Exotac MATCHCAP is a waterproof aluminum match holder can carry all sizes of matches from standard kitchen matches to NATO lifeboat matches and even the extended length matches sold by REI. It has a dual-striker design so that you can use safety matches, strike-anywhere matches, or a combination of two. An O-ring keeps both the matches and the red phosphorus (strike-on-the-box) striker dry. You can get one for your next camping trip for $24.95. They make a cool collapsible ferrocerium fire-starter too.

3 thoughts on “The Exotac MATCHCAP keeps your matches dry”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Geez! Kind of expensive!
    When I was a boy scout back in the early 70’s, we were taught to take a couple spent shotgun shells, throw the matches in them and squeeze the two together. Cheap and very effective, unless you store it under water 😉

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