BEEcosystem is a modular honey bee hive for your home

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NEWS – If you care about the planet, you’ve probably heard that honey bees are having a very rough time and are dying by the millions due to pesticides and other factors. Bees not only pollinate pretty flowers, but they are a critical pollinator of the world’s fruit and vegetable crops. Fewer bees mean less food which at some point might mean less us. One way to combat this problem is for more people to raise honeybees on their property. BEEcosystem has gone one step further by offering DIY modular hives that actually go INSIDE your home!

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Designed primarily for the educational benefit, BEEcosystem hives do not require that you cut a hole a wall to install them. Instead, they travel into the hive by way of a tube that installs in an existing window. I’m almost afraid to post this article for fear that Jeanne will see it. She’s talked about wanting start a beehive on our property (she’s an avid gardener), but even though these hives are built to be safe, there is no way in the world that I’d ever want one INSIDE my house. What about you? Interested? Visit where you can buy them starting at $599 for one hive and up to $2599 for a set of 5 hives. Nope, Nope, Nope!

17 thoughts on “BEEcosystem is a modular honey bee hive for your home”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Michael O'Donnell

    The significant other would move out if these moved in. There are just some things that outta be left outdoors and flying insects are one of them.

  3. I’m a hobby beekeeper and I love beekeeping. However, a system such as this should only be attempted by an advanced beekeeper. Bees require a lot of help to survive. That means regular inspections, hive beetle and varroa mite mitigation, swarm control, etc. This type of setup greatly complicated completion of those tasks. In my state of TN, the life expectancy of a wild (unmaintained) hive is less than 12 months. You cannot just set something like this up and let the bees take care of themselves.

  4. My dad was always fascinated with bees, loved honey, and like many Cuban born American citizens bought and ate a lot of honey comb. Cubans, the ones I’ve met in the U.S. – which in Miami, FL – is a lot, it seems have “always” believed that honeys, honey comb, and bee pollen (once commercially accessible) are very good for you and should be consumed with great regularity. While Dad would never have had a hive because he’s allergic to be stings – at every opportunity he would take me to study the indoor hives in museums and places like a particular store in Gatlinburg, TN we frequented. Dad, who was an architect, was always completely confident in the design of these indoor hives and the tubed that allowed them to travel out.

    Even though he was allergic, I’m sure he would have loved this and I would have bought him one if he was still with me, if I had a chance before he did.

    Maybe I can install one on the outside wall of my “house and urban renewal” project “My3Abuelitas” – only thinking that because I can’t think of where I would put it inside!
    Come see our website in place by Feb 2018. Maybe we’ll have one installed. Definitely checking out other goodies on this site as well!
    My3Abuelitas.Miami (.miami is like a dot com now – isn’t that something?)
    – @MadelineHere

  5. While this looks like a fun thing to do, you DO NOT want to invite bees into your home. They multiply quickly and will start looking for other spots to grow – like your walls, attic etc. Then you’ll have an expensive, dangerous mess to take care. My mother’s friend removes bees from people’s homes. Bad idea to give them an invitation into yours.

      1. In my state their numbers are appreciably down. I’ll accept endangered. A mite or some disease I can’t remember is greatly affecting hives. It’s being researched by our and other state colleges with agricultural focus. That’s the buzz anyway.

      2. humans are also dying in much greater numbers than before… because there are more of them living today. Google bee apocalypse hoax

  6. Our local natural history museum where I grew up in Alabama had an indoor hive that I loved watching as a kid. Just like with this product, the bees would travel down a tube that ran from the hive over to the exterior wall.
    When I grew older, my summer job was working for the company that maintained the lawns for the museum. It was my responsibility to mow the part of the lawn out back next to a little hole in the museum wall with dozens of bees zooming in and out. I got stung quite a few times over the years. The bees didn’t care for me or my mower so much. 😉

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