8-Bit NES Handheld Gaming System

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Do you have a box of old 8-bit Nindendo cartridges from the 80’s? Wanna relive countless hours of childhood fun? You’re in luck because ThinkGeek is selling a $49.99 color NES handheld system. It runs on 4 AA batteries and is guaranteed to make you the envy of all your geek buddies. 🙂

4 thoughts on “8-Bit NES Handheld Gaming System”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. That is actually pretty cool. Too bad I dont have any NES games, I dont think I do?

    I wondering if you still have to blow on the cartridges to make them work!! haha

  3. They have a tiny console version for the same price. Advantage of that is it hooks to your TV and allows multi player. If it worked with the 4 port controller adapter, I’d be all over that for on demand 4 player mule. As it is, I play mule with a c64 emulator on my phone.

  4. I still have my NES and infact just recently replaced the 72pin connector so all my games work now. I like the handheld idea but it would be so much better if you could bluetooth them together to allow 4 player games

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