Z Grills Pellet Grill – Buy one, get 10 free! Yes, 10! Read on to find out how!

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DEAL NEWS – The Fourth of July is one of those times when families just have to cook out. It’s almost a law in the US. If you’re dreading backyard barbecues because of rusted, dirty gas or charcoal grills, maybe it’s time to consider something different such as a wood pellet grill from Z Grills.

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If the term pellet grill got your attention, read on because Z Grills has a Buy One, Get 10 Free Grills for $777 offer that could help you decide!

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The name Z Grills may sound new, but they’ve been making OEM wood pellet grills for other companies for years. Now Z Grills have come from the shadows and proudly put their name on their own wood pellet grills. The cool thing about wood pellet grill is that it can sear, smoke, BBQ, roast, char-grill, braise, bake, and grill with pure wood-fired flavor that you won’t get from a charcoal or gas grill.

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So what is grilling with pellets? Pellet grills offer both the capabilities of a grill and a smoker. Small wood pellets (compressed hardwood) heat quickly, burn hot, and create clean smoke. Z Grills cook with indirect heat, providing consistent temperature control for even cooking over a specified grilling time. Food can be cooked lower and slower (like a smoker) or roasted or barbecued on a more traditional grill. 

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Wood pellets are available in different flavored woods:

  • Apple: Fruity smoke
  • Cherry: Mild, sweet
  • Oak: Medium smokey
  • Hickory: Bold and smokey
  • Maple: Rich and smokey
  • Mesquite: Bold and spicy
  • Competition: Blend of hickory, cherry and maple

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Here’s the fun part. Z Grills is so confident in their product that they are offering a Buy One, Get 10 Free Grills for $777. Every 5 years, Z Grills will send out a new pellet grill at no cost. The only charge is shipping. So that’s a guarantee of 10 free grills covering 50 years! Read about the program details and which models qualify for this offer here.

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And may the Fourth be with you!
Price: $777
Where to buy: Z Grills

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6 thoughts on “Z Grills Pellet Grill – Buy one, get 10 free! Yes, 10! Read on to find out how!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. LOL…GaaS (Grills as a service)

    Do we really need to create more stuff for the landfill? Who really believe they will be around in 50 years???

  3. Long time brisket and pork smoker here in south Texas……Z grills are OK, but come from China and a pretty low end compared to Traeger and other smokers like Pit Boss. But even those are seeing cost reductions due to corporate greed (LOL). I have an older Camp Chef and I can buy parts, but have needed any in years! It just goes and goes and goes….

    Pellet grills are not good for grilling, in general, as the wood flame is blocked by a steel grease flow plated over the 3″ or so diameter pellet burning cup. Some high end smokers come with a gas or electric side burner to grill on.

    It amazes me the stuff they can pump out of China these days for almost nothing.

    Question of the day…will Z Grills be around as a viable company to send you a new grill 10 times in 50 years?

  4. Why would you need a new grill every 5 years? Only the cheapest walmart grills will rust out in 5 years. Are you supposed to throw out the old one at that point or just keep accumulating them?

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