Is this wearable multi-tool an EDC nerd’s holy grail?

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – What functions make the perfect minimal multi-tool? For me, it’s something to cut with, something to pry with, and something to write with. The Flounder titanium multi-tool has those functions covered as long as what you want to cut is just slicing through packing tape of boxes. This arrowhead-shaped wearable pendant is made of GR5 titanium and features the following tools:

  • Pocket saw
  • Pry bar
  • Hex wrench (1/4 and 1/6 bit compatibility)
  • Bottle opener
  • Everlasting pencil

It also has 2 tritium slots so that you can add glow-in-the-dark vials for a little bling.

What I like about the Flounder is that you can wear it around your neck or attach it to your keychain. But I do wish there was a quick-release feature so you won’t have to remove it from around your neck when you want to use it.

The only tool that you can use without removing it from your neck is the everlasting graphite-tipped pencil. It can be removed from the pendant and it snaps back in with magnets when you’re done. Want one? Head over to their Kickstarter campaign page where they’ve already more than doubled their funding goal. The price is $69 and shipping of rewards is estimated for October.

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34 thoughts on “Is this wearable multi-tool an EDC nerd’s holy grail?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. No. I can’t stand these little “toy” tools that are only good as a last resort for a problem that will never happen. Someone would be better served by carrying chewable aspirin for certain cardiac events, or oral glucose for a diabetic emergency. I’ve never — nor do I know anybody who has — needed a ferro rod in an emergency. The worst part is that 1.5” saw. What’s that even good for?

    1. Yes, at the minimum a multi-tool needs to be useful. The only tool on this that even looks moderately functional is the everlasting pen – which looks like it at least probably works, but I doubt it would be useful to you in many situations. (And if it was, I’ve seen others that are better.)

    2. Yeah, I like the aspirin comparison. These are useless and you are better off with a zippo and quality pocket knife. Maybe, an edc flashlight. But this is way too much even for 007 and inspector Gadget! I am an ER trauma guy who would never use this. Better off having a medic kit such as Raptors and a tourniquet in the car.

  3. This article makes me want to slap the author. This is the most senseless edc item I’ve ever seen. I don’t have the inclination to read anything else this doofus has ever written.

  4. A friend gave me a Sig Sauer drop-tip pocket knife as an unexpected treat. An unbelievable blade and build.
    THAT’S an EDC !

  5. Every time I tried to watch your video commercial, six other ads crouded over it, beside it , an multiple at once. Tried to watch half dozen times, gave up.
    But it honestly in photo looks too small to be any help.
    I’d likely be better off with a $0.99 steak knife.

  6. Ditto what everyone has said . . .

    But, if you’re looking for a gift for the guy that’s got everything, it’s sorta cool. Useless, but cool.

  7. The most utterly pointless article, ad, and product.
    This gadget is kinda what happens when you don’t even THINK about what need, just chuck some random items onto a trinket.

  8. Oh come on they didn’t even show the part where the Spartans taped it to the end of stick to hold off the Persian horde with sticks with a weird looking metal end ! “This is GARBAGE !” I mean Sparta or something.

  9. Wow, there is a lot of hate out there for this gadget. It is definitely not my style–forever pencils are terrible to write with and I’m certainly not wearing something like this around, particularly at $69, but for someone this could be useful as a prybar/bottle opener/box opener. The saw isn’t going to be useful for wood, but could be useful for cutting strings and twine.

    But Julie, just a heads-up, the intrusive ads are making this site nearly unnavigable. It used to be fun to stop by to see what you and the team are posting, but now I have to hide a bunch of ads just to read anything. It is getting to the point that it is just not worth it.

  10. This is a holy grail? WTF are you talking about? This is absolute crap! No one will ever use this stupid thing! You have no idea what the EDC community actually likes if you think this is nothing more than a paper weight!

    1. I think you meant “…if you think this is -anything- more than a paperweight”. You’re going to see plenty of stuff here you may not want to buy, but it is available and we announce it. As to the cutting ability of the tool, see sentence #3 at the start of the piece. Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to field dress a deer (or squirrel) with this tool, or repair your car with it, but here it is.

  11. Bloodthirsty Vegan

    Jeez……I hate this semi useless pendant myself but the POS that’s threatening violence against the Gadgeteer needs to be identified and taken to a mental health facility ASAP. I imagine his nights are long and lonely.

  12. Well that escalated quickly.

    I think it’s kinda cool, actually. It’s granted more jewelry than tool, but it definitely has some utility, though odd no explicit screwdriver.

    One question – anyone know how long those little tritium capsules stay lit? Would be interesting to have those lit up
    under your shirt.

  13. what’s truly hilarious about this is the small size and to note it has a pry bar; is that a pry bar with leverage? Other than that, does the add single out rough and tough boys by displaying what looks like brown 550 chord.

  14. Men have been left in the lurch regarding jewelry and carry niceties for so long that we are being pitched useless fidget spinners, pry bars, challenge coins, and a host of other “stuff”. I saw an exquisitely emblazoned copper square recently, and when I clicked on it, it turned out to be an expensive, tiny box containing something called “solid cologne”. Thank goodness! Finally! A way to carry cologne. (My dresser has been an ideal perch since the 1990s)

    These items hit so close that some of us will actually receive them as gifts, and all of them are guaranteed to require passionate explanations when simply asked “what’s that?”

    If you’re reading this, and you’re considering it as a gift, be aware that we only want a good pocket knife (we’d like to pick it out), a watch that is slightly more expensive than the one we currently have, or a real, honest to goodness leatherman multi-tool (yes, they cost more than $100).

    Please don’t buy this for your guy.

    See the above list if you’re shopping.

  15. Donald Schoengold

    Compare this ridiculous item with my favorite Swiss pocket knife. So small that it fits in any pocket. $34 instead of $70. Even has a nail clipper which works fairly well except for large nails such as your thumb or big toe.

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