I’m all in with Apple – Julie’s gadget diary

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apple gear

ARTICLE – Multiple times over the years I’ve tried to switch from Android to an iPhone and it just never worked out. But recently I’ve made the switch in a big way and of all things, I have COVID to thank for it.

How did a global pandemic make me switch back to an iPhone as my daily driver after years of using Android phones? Like millions of other people in the world, the coronavirus has kept me working from home since March. Now that I’m not working away from home, one of the main reasons why switching to an iPhone was never “easy” for me in the past has been resolved. What reason is that? Sending and receiving TXT messages. You see, I send a lot of messages each day. When I was using an Android phone and working at the office, I was able to use messages.google.com on my Cummins work laptop. This web site allows you to receive and respond to text messages right from your computer using a full-sized keyboard and monitor instead of tapping an onscreen keyboard on your phone.

To get this same desktop functionality with an iPhone, you must have a macOS computer which I don’t use at my day job and I didn’t want to lug my MacBook to work with me each day. Now that I am working from home, I don’t have that problem because I can just slide over to my MacBook when someone texts me. Thanks COVID!

Seriously though, I am enjoying using iOS again and it makes a positive difference with a lot of my gadget reviews. With Android, I had frequent Bluetooth connection issues with devices that I was testing. But after switching to an iPhone, those frustrations have ceased. I’m not sure how Android phones handle Bluetooth, but I have found that everything works smoother with the iPhone.

My switch to the iPhone started in May when I became tech bored and decided to order an iPhone 11 Pro Max to have something new to test (play with). I quickly adapted to iOS and even started wearing an Apple series 3 watch that I had from a recent review of the DeltaTrainer fitness service.

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I like the Apple watch because it allows me to track steps and other fitness data for the Virgin Health app that we use for my day job at Cummins to earn our yearly health insurance discount. I like using the Apple watch so much that when the series 6 watches were announced a couple of months ago, I ordered one. I wanted the always-on display and the additional health sensors that were not available in the series 3 version of the Apple watch.

Then just recently Apple rolled out the iPhone 12 Pro Max and I drank another glass of Apple Kool-Aid and ordered one with the justification that I’d give the 11 Pro Max to Jeanne to replace her Google Pixel (the original!) that she’s been using for the last thousand years. It’s so much easier when we both have the same phone/OS so that I can help her when she calls with problems/questions (which is regularly).

I really like the flat screen and sides of the new iPhone 12 series. It brings back the feel of the iPhone 4/5 which was back when I was using an iPhone as my daily driver (yes, it’s been that long ago).

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend upgrading from an iPhone 11 Pro Max to a 12 Pro Max. Other than look and feel, they don’t seem to be THAT much different. I know that the camera on the 12 Pro Max has been improved, but so far I’m not noticing a huge difference. I will say that I’ve seen a 5G notification in the status bar of the 12 Pro Max a couple of times but again, I’m not noticing any major differences in how well the new phone performs as compared to the 11 Pro Max.

If you’ve been keeping track, I purchased an iPhone 11 Pro Max, an Apple series 6 watch, and an iPhone 12 Pro Max this year. But I wasn’t finished giving Apple my hard-earned cash. I took another chug of Kool-Aid and also ordered the 13 inch MacBook Pro with the Apple silicon M1 chip as an update to my almost 5-year-old 12 inch MacBook that I bought as a refurb back in 2016.

I’ve only been using the new laptop for a few days, but this new MBP is insanely fast and the battery lasts forever. It has made me realize just how pokey my little 12 inch MacBook had become.

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I didn’t think I’d like or even care about the touch bar, but so far I kind of like it. I’m even happy to report that the TouchID button works with my alien DNA/fingers (I have a history of issues with fingerprint scanners).

So like I said, Apple has gotten a LOT of my hard-earned money this year and I couldn’t be happier about it. I have zero buyer’s regret and no complaints or problems with the gear that I’ve purchased and I’m currently basking in the glow of tech zen.

9 thoughts on “I’m all in with Apple – Julie’s gadget diary”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. “…been using for the last thousand years….”

    LOL!!! I feel like that every time I have to fire up the PC for astrophotography. Unfortunately, all the software for that “hobby” are on the PC and it doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon 🙁

  3. I also made the switch from Android to Apple for the first time since owning the original iPad. I went from a Pixel 3a to an iPhone SE mainly for the compact size. Then from a Samsung tablet to a 2019 iPad and finally upgrading to the iPhone 12 mini. Just like your issues with bluetooth, I’ve noticed that apps run more consistently on Apple products then Android. Our Wyze camera app has failed to load any of the cameras on three different occasions but the Apple products have worked every time. Also, Netflix loads much smoother on the iPad than it did on the Galaxy Tab.

    When I was all Android, I didn’t realize how often I was dealing with these infrequent bugs, but I’m thankful I switched and, boy do I hate to be that guy but, everything just works!

    1. Scott, I feel the same way. It’s funny because I used to be the “guy” that would harp about the fact that iOS didn’t allow home screen widgets but now that Apple added them, I’m only using 1! Ha!

  4. I went full Apple when I ditched my laptop and desktop for a iPad Pro. I just recently joined the Apple Watch club which I love and my other half loves his new iPhone 12 pro max (I got his old iPhone X).

    1. Hey Larry! I tried another iPad Pro awhile back and that one went back to Apple. I prefer a MacBook. Now if Apple would make a tablet that ran macOS, I might change my mind 🙂 but iPad OS still lacks some ease of use and functionality for me mainly with working with files.

  5. Hi Julie, I too switched to the darkside during COVID. The final straw for me was when I noticed my Note 10 was not running the latest OS. I then noticed it had not had a security update since last year September. I took it into a service center and they said they were unable to force the update (after I was forced to completely reset the device). I was pissed and frustrated. I promptly upgraded to a 11 Pro (Max is way too big for me). There are things about Apple that still frustrate me like the lack of real interactive widgets and limited widgets. I am asking for a new Apple watch for Christmas. I am sure the Air Pods are next. I won’t be doing a Macbook. I had an iMac for a while, but working with Windows all day, it was just too frustrating to switch back.

    1. Lynn, I was always so gung ho on widgets when I was on Android but the funny thing is that although they were on the screen, I barely paid attention to them. Right now I just use a calendar widget on my 12 Pro Max’s display. It’s a WidgetSmith widget.
      I don’t think that AirPods would fit in my ears so that’s what keeps me from trying them.

  6. I think I am going to switch also. I still hate Apple OS but I gave up Android tablets a long time ago. I got the SE iPhone in the Summer as a tester and like it a lot (a little cramped) but so much faster than my year old Moto z4. And as everyone says things just work better. I have multiple computers that I can switch to if there is an issue with one (love my Surface Go 2 as a backup) but a phone should just work.
    Also, you will get the newest OS for at least 5 years with Apple and maybe 2 with Android.
    Old iPhones sell better also.

    1. Jeff, right now the only things missing for me to make the iPhone perfect (and I’m nit-picking) would be an always-on display, a battery charging status indicator, and a web-based client for Messages so that I could receive and reply via a Windows computer.

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