CNN10 gives to-the-point, daily news overview

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CNN10 1

ARTICLE – When my kids’ school moved online last year, like many parents and families, I was overwhelmed. And seeking information. And craving a schedule.

One simple thing we did in my house was to start watching CNN10 together every morning. It’s a 10-minute news summary that replaced the longstanding CNN Student News. That way, we felt connected and educated on daily happenings, but not quite so inundated.

The short news program doesn’t talk down to you or get real cutesy, like some kids’ programming. In fact, it’s just as palatable to watch as an adult.

And when my newspapers and nightly TV programs became too depressing, and I took a little detox from them, the CNN10 segments helped me stay current with just the right amount of information.

They don’t avoid controversial or tough topics either. CNN10 provides information in a  straightforward way. And they maintain a neutral position, giving multiple perspectives and clear illustrations, without being graphic, alarming, or sensational.

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