SentryShield makes your child’s backpack bulletproof

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NEWS – It’s an unfortunate fact that the terms active shooter and mass shooting are commonplace today. Parents shouldn’t have to worry about the safety of their children when they send them off to school each day, but worry is just part of the world we live in now.

Some schools and businesses have active shooter scenario drills so that people will know what to do if such a terrible situation occurs. But are there other ways to provide some extra protection and peace of mind for your kids? SentryShield, the maker of tactical protection gear, thinks so with their Bulletproof Backpack Insert.

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The Bulletproof Backpack Insert is a NIJ Level IIIA-compliant bulletproof insert that is eight times stronger than steel without being made of any metal. It’s constructed of up of 24 layers of ultra-high molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) to make it capable of stopping a variety of ammunition without setting off a metal detector at the airport, schools, etc.

The backpack (16.25 by 11.75 inches) and handbag (14 by 10 inches) versions of the SentryShield inserts are both only 10 millimeters thick, and weigh only 1.46 and 1.74 pounds respectively. They can be easily inserted into your bag and left there to provide extra protection in the event of an active shooter situation.

The SentryShield is available now at for an introductory price of $89.99. And for a limited time, a second SentryShield is available for 50% off when purchasing one at full price and entering code Protect50 at checkout.

12 thoughts on “SentryShield makes your child’s backpack bulletproof”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. This was unheard of when I was in school-it just never crossed anyone’s mind that is would be a necessity. And this was in a time when high school friends drove to school with loaded rifles sitting in racks in their truck’s back windows.

  3. How many kids are there in school every day. How many of them get shot every day. Yes, I know that if your kid is the 1 in ??? that gets shot, my comment may seem harsh but you can’t protect your kid from everything.

    On a more practical level, will your child be wearing their pack all the time – I doubt it. Also, it provides no protection from being shot in the front or in the head. What next, bullet proof headgear.

  4. Actually I did check on how many children are attending school every day. The most recent statistics are for 1011-2012 which said that there were about 50,000,000 children in school every day. This clearly shows that this device is just something that is being pushed to scared irrational parents.

      1. A lot more houses are burglarized on a daily basis than are children shot in schools. Also, it is easy to lock a house and it does not traumatize the children in the house. What will the kids think if their mom’s last words as they leave the house for school is “check your bullet proof shield instead of ‘I love you – have fun in school'”

    1. Michael O'Donnell

      I’ve come to this site for years because socially polarizing topics and comments were never espoused. But low and behold, I now read comments declaring us ‘laughing stock’ and interjecting gun debates. Let’s hope this isn’t a pattern. And let’s get back to gadget comments.

  5. Michael O'Donnell

    Sadly, someone is marketing these. For many (especially ‘helicopter’ parents – look it up!), a ‘false sense of security’ is better than none. Beyond separating $90 from their credit card, I also see no harm.

  6. Look up what a level IIIa ballistic panel will stop. Essentially it will stop most calibres from small arms (handguns) however rifle rounds, such as those from an AR-15 variant or an M14 will not be slowed by these panels. The reason that a ballistic panel in a backpack is good is not because the child can use it for cover, but more than likely it will stop small calibre rounds from killing or paralysing the student as they are fleeing danger. Are these a good idea? Therein lies the debate.

  7. Robert van Weersch

    Trump’s answer to guns at school is….more guns at school. So buy a gun for your offspring. Oh…wait…

    The idea that you actually need body armour for your kid, because of the enormous amount of school shootings, is of course horrible. 70+ school shootings in the US since 2015, according to wikipedia. Europe, where gun sales are very restricted, had exactly 3 school shootings since 2015, on a population which is more than twice as large as the US (750 vs 330 mln). I’d say that stricter gun regulation would be a far better way to protect your population, than arming them and make them shoot at each other. But hey, the president and the NRA surely know this better than decades of undisputed research and common sense.

    All of this aside, if I were a US resident and had a kid in high school or college, I would really consider buying something like this. The price is quite acceptable and the weight is not that much, compared to the gigantic stack of books we had to haul around when I was still in school 🙂

    1. I wonder if textbooks and a laptop will be able to do just as well as this shield, since most kids carry them around already. => no additional weight

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