Wrap yourself in a warm towel after a shower

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What could be nicer than stepping out of the steamy shower into the chilly bathroom and wrapping yourself in a toasty warm towel or warm bathrobe?  It sounds pretty inviting to me tonight as the Arctic blast is dropping temperatures and causing the wind to howl outside my windows.  The Towel Warmer from Brookstone lets you warm up two oversized towels (up to 40″ x 70″ bath sheets) or even your bathrobe to 1200 in just 10 minutes.  It uses a safe silicone heating element, and it has an auto-shutoff for safety.  You can also warm up your mittens, scarf, and a hat before heading outside or heat up a blanket to warm you up when you come back inside.  The Towel Warmer is $89.99 at Brookstone.

10 thoughts on “Wrap yourself in a warm towel after a shower”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. One of the things we have been doing for almost a year now (regardless of season) is to have a 30 sec COLD rinse (360, everywhere) after a hot shower. The quick rinse closes ALL the pores immediate and traps the heat in the body. It works great and no warming of the towels needed…as EVERYTHING feel warm after the rinse!!!

    1. That is funny.

      A 30 second cold rinse would suck significantly more heat out of your body than alleged pore closing would trap heat in the body. Water has a very high specific heat and is much better at sucking heat from your body than air. That is why you feel cold in 75 degree water, and warm in the same air temperature.

      If you take a 30 second cold rinse however I suspect that you will get a shock and tried to heat itself up. When you stop the cold rinse, two things will happen: 1) you will feel much warmer because of the contrast of not having cold water on you, and 2) your body will keep heating itself for a while. So perhaps in the end you will get the effect you want, and it may be good for you to have that cold shower at the end. As a matter of fact, it may be better for you to take a cold shower from start to finish. There are people who do that. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

      1. Maybe so…why we feel “warmer” is just a conjecture, but it certainly does feel great. A few seconds into the the cold rinse, the water doesn’t even feel all that cold. Perhaps it is triggering the body to turn on the brown adipose tissue. Whatever is happening…it is a pretty interesting effect!

  3. I was so tempted until I saw the price. I thought I could continue to toss my towel and PJ’s into the dryer which is in the same room as the shower. It would take a lot of drying to use up $90 in electricity. It does feel wonderful to put on very warm PJ’s straight out of the tub or shower. It’s like a huge warm body hug.

    1. Since both your dryer and the aforementioned towel warmer use electricity, and electric heaters have the same efficiency, I would guess that the cost to operate each is not very different. The dryer has to turn, and it has to heat up a larger area, but then turning may help distribute the heat better so in the end it may be a wash.

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