Blue Microphones Snowball microphone giveaway!

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Blue Microphones wants to celebrate the availability of three new colors for their popular Snowball microphone by giving away 1 microphone to 3 lucky Gadgeteer readers. Each winner will choose one of the new colors which include: Bright Orange, Neon Green and Electric Blue. It’s easy to enter so click through and take your chance.



Three winners will win one Blue Microphones Snowball microphone in their choice of Bright Orange, Neon Green or Electric Blue ($69.99 value).

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 05/02/2014 11:59PM EST leave a comment on this page telling us a feature or features that you wish The Gadgeteer offered that it currently does not.

Optional: earn one extra entry by tweeting the following:

Win a Blue Microphones Snowball microphone @BlueMicrophones and The Gadgeteer!

If you tweet, copy the link to the tweet and leave it in a 2nd comment to this post.

2. At some point on 05/03/2014, I’ll pick 3 random winners using The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to claim their prize. If I do not receive an answer to my emails in that time period, I’ll do other drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry/comment per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Gadgeteer writers, family members and close friends may not enter this contest.

3. Winner must have a US mailing address.

4. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

5. is not responsible for the winner not accepting their prize within 48hrs. The winner will be posted on the contest page, contest comments and will be emailed.


The winners are Mike with comment #68,  Dave with comment #5 and Dailywoman with comment #61

Congrats to winners and thanks to everyone who entered and for Blue Microphones for sponsoring the contest.
The contest is now closed.

78 thoughts on “Blue Microphones Snowball microphone giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I wish you featured more side-by-side comparisons after you’ve done reviews of products. For instance, a side-by-side of the ZAGG Glass vs. the Spigen or something similar.

  3. I still wish for a site that had a near universal mobile device comparison metric that compared and contrasted all built-in features.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Dan T.

  4. I think it could be useful to have a sidebar allowing others to rate and review the product in question. I always appreciate the Gadgeteer reviews but would love to see a more organized way for other users to chime in than just the comments section.

  5. I originally had something else in mind until I read what Tess had written.
    I think that she had a great idea! A reader/user ability to rate a product at a later date.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Would be nice to see some “How To” videos or PDFs related to the many gadgets you discuss. What I mean by “How To” is how to get the best use of some of the new Tech Stuff.


  7. I’d like to see a “today / this week in tech” feature where reviews from “Ye Olden Times”
    are shown as new articles.

  8. I would like to see more on activities that are somewhat common but no real guidance. For example, I understand this microphone is perfect for podcasting but what else might a total newby to podcasting ought to know?

  9. I cannot think of anything, right off the bat, but I sure wished I would win one of your giveaways, for once! lol

  10. After you have done a series of articles on related products I would love to see product A vs product B vs product C in some sort of shoot out comparison.

  11. I am not really a techie so to speak. I’m kind of new to some stuff. It would be great to have articles geared towards us that don’t know all the lingo or it is not assumed we know everything you’re talking about. Not all the time, but just a novice area

  12. I’d love to see a “Flashback” Friday feature with a link or scan of an old review for a product.

  13. I would like to see an index of all of your reviews, maybe monthly or quarterly, so that I can identify a product you have checked when I am ready to buy in that category.

  14. I really miss the articles where Julie and Judie co-wrote reviews for gadgets. That would be awesome.

    For something that you do not offer yet,
    Hmm. I guess it would be the side by side comparison between similar devices as stated be some other commenters below.


  15. A yearly PDF with all the items from the past year indexed (using the built-in Acrobat indexer) for searching off line.

    PDF would also have hyperlinks to the original article as well as the links in the original article.

  16. An easy to use app! Couldnt seem to find specs on the mic, Maybe a more detailed product description.

  17. I wish the site’s search field (on the iPhone) would expand when you tap into it. It currently doesn’t hold much text.

    I wish the mobile menu would not “swim” left and right on the iPhone. It’s a bit wider than it should be.

    I wish the email address for comments had the HTML5 email type so I’d get the appropriate email keyboard on an iPhone.

    Hope those are helpful and thanks for the contest.

  18. David Sheneman

    How about a podcast about all these cool gadgets you review? I see you had one way back in the day but something current, maybe even just regular video reviews, would be great.

    Thanks for all the great reviews you do. This is a great resource!

  19. I like the site the way it is, but one idea would be a notification system based on the tags an article has. I don’t have an iPad, so I won’t really be interested in iPad case reviews. If I could say “notify me of new articles with tags [Android], [Giveaway], and [Music]”, that would be cool. Readers could manage these subscription settings, so if I’m getting too many or too few email notifications I could tweak them.

  20. Mark Hauersperger

    I would like to see an app that lets me see all reviews for a particular type of item and allows me to compare multiple items of that type.

  21. Some reviews with hands on videos of products in use would be nice like for some of the backpack reviews or products like it. Virtual tours of some of the show us your desk series would be pretty cool

  22. I would like a better search feature and some videos. I really enjoy watching videos on how-to, tips and tricks on both hardware and software, so that would be a nice feature. Lastly maybe a rating system of some type so users can also rate the product as well. Overall I think you do an excellent job with the site and really enjoy visiting it!

  23. It would be great to offer internal photos or teardowns of the devices you review (ie rhe OpAmp used in a headphone amp). Great website!.

  24. Prafulla Arvind


    I really don’t want to get super picky but I really hate that the href link on the image in the emails just takes me to a new page with just the image and I have to come back to my email and click on the read more to read the rest of the article. Can you please make that a page with enlarged image and have the article below as scroll down? It’s just my personal preference because I get excited about a product and click on it. I come back to read it and it will just show an image and I have to search for the article again in my email.

    Thanks for the articles though. I enjoy reading it and I always share the cool ones with my friends as well.

  25. The winners are Mike with comment #68, Dave with comment #5 and Dailywoman with comment #61

    Congrats to winners and thanks to everyone who entered and for Blue Microphones for sponsoring the contest.

    The contest is now closed.

  26. Whoops. Sorry everyone… Long day yesterday and not used to having more than one winner for a contest. Glad you noticed and spoke up! I’ve updated the update with the other 2 winners.

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