iPhone 5C accessories giveaway!

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Did you buy a brand new Apple iPhone 5C and now need to accessorize it? Then you will definitely want enter this giveaway for 4 prizes that will keep your iPhone 5C protected, smudge free and hands-free. Don’t have an iPhone 5C? No problem, 2 of the prizes will work with any device. Full details after the jump.


1 lucky winner will win 1 each of the following prizes – 4 prizes in total:

Case Scenario: Keith Haring Crystal Case for iPhone 5C
Lightweight transparent case shows off new iPhone 5C’s color

  • Available in four iconic Keith Haring designs
  • Flexible case adds flair and impact protection
  • Transparent design shows off iPhone 5C’s new design

Price:  $20 value
Website: www.case-scenario.com

Satechi: BT Touch Speaker
Portable Bluetooth speaker delivers high quality audio and allows for hands-free calling

  • 2.5 X 2 watt dual-channel speaker system delivers crystal clear, room-filling audio
  • Integrated built-in mic allows for hands-free calls from any Bluetooth-enabled smartphone
  • Modern, blue LED touch buttons control audio playback, volume and answer calls
  • Features a rechargeable lithium ion battery and 3.5mm jack to directly connect devices
  • Glossy, sleek black design matches any office aesthetic

Price: $49.99 value
Website: www.Satechi.net

Toddy Gear: Pocket Toddy
Unique travel-sized, tech cleaning accessory delivers dirt-free and smudge-free electronic maintenance in a convenient form factor

  • Smart Cloth crafted with a built-in pocket that is made with a 100% microfiber plush and microfiber silk dual-sided design
  • Engineered to clean an array of sensitive items including smartphones, glasses, camera lenses, and laptop screens
  • Features an elastic tab for on-the-go functionality and easy key-chain, backpack, or purse affixation
  • Available in 3 stylish designs: Nantucket, Lexe, and Filter

Price: $9.99 value
Website: www.toddygear.com

Bike2Power: BikeConsole Smart Mount
Heavy duty, waterproof and shock proof mount splashed with vibrant colors to match the iPhone 5c

  • Protects your phone against rain, snow, dust and dirt
  • Secure versatile mounting system connects to bicycle bars, strollers, scooters or anything with a bar or stem
  • Features a 360° swivel design to rotate horizontally or vertically for optimal viewing of any cycling app, GPS instructions or music track selection
  • In-bracket safety lock provides complete protection from impacts during rides on tough terrains
  • Comes equipped with a sound-boost and anti-glare technology for optimal sound and veiwing
  • Provides full accessibility to all smartphone functions including touch screen, front/rear cameras, and wake/sleep and home buttons

Price: $47.95 value
Website: www.bike2power.com

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 11/06/2013 11:59PM EST leave a comment with any suggestions that you have for the site layout. I’m currently working with a designer to redesign the site, but would love some extra feedback and ideas before we get too far along.

2. At some point on 11/07/2013, I’ll pick 1 random winner using random.org. The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to claim their prizes. If I do not receive an answer to my emails in that time period, I’ll do other random.org drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Gadgeteer writers, family members and close friends may not enter this contest.

3. the-gadgeteer.com is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

4. Winner must have a US shipping address.


The winner is #22 Craig Benedict. – No response
The winner is #3 Daniel Bertalotto

Thank you to everyone who entered. I’ll be using your ideas for the new site layout.

Also thank you to the sponsors of this contest.

47 thoughts on “iPhone 5C accessories giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Your site is actually one of my favorite as to layout. My recommendation is to not fix it too much if it isn’t broken.

  3. Daniel Bertalotto

    Thanks for the opportunity. Right off, I think your site needs a cleaner and more sophisticated presence, beginning with the identity/logo. I really like your Gadgeteer name but the logo doesn’t make it feel very current.

    I’d also recommend using responsive design, paralaxing images for header or main story images (see CNN app). It just enriches the viewer experience and keeps you looking current.

    The site has good content dissemination on the scroll-down, but the menu seems very lost and minuscule. Advertising and post-click information is definitely treated as primary instead of gridded with balance and your brand gets lost in the mix.

    I like the fact that you curate a lot of user suggestions and encourage interaction. I don’t know if you get more tech-minded viewers or other, but curiosity should be a main regard to clear the decks and really make gadgetry prominent.

    Best of luck. You’ve got great bones in your criteria. Hope your designer can make the site sophisticated and entertaining to get you entrenched as a top reviewer.

  4. Love the site, but would like you to add tabs for various product categories – gadgets, computers, Phones, Mobile, etc.

  5. lesslie Tenzin Williams

    I like your site the way it is. Tabs would add an extra level of usability but overall I can’t find anything I don’t like.

  6. I’m a longtime fan of your site, but do feel that the logo should be larger and/or more prominent. And I tend to agree with Daniel that the logo is feeling slightly dated. Maybe there’s a way to refresh the design while still retaining the feel?

    I’ve gotta admit that although I obviously do come to the site itself to post responses, I always read your posts via Feedly initially. So the content is what’s most important to me.

  7. I’ve got less problems with ADS — I WOULD like to see the elimination of FLASH based ads, though. And any add capable of producing sound. And any ad that floats in the same place regardless of scrolling.

  8. I would take away a lot of the empty areas on the side. There isn’t that much area for your articles because of the ads and empty spaces. I would also make the fonts larger for your logo and links. I just have a plain clear case for my phone right now. I would love to have the Keith Haring case since I teach Art History.

  9. Your website looks great! The only thing I would change is to increase your logo size. Other than that, it’s clean and concise.

  10. The website looks great! There should be an updated logo, a thinner font to make it easier to read. Add bigger tabs and include more subcategories. Make a cleaner and sophisticated design template. Thinner fonts and big images. Give it a fresh new look. The site still is wonderful anyway! (:

  11. I just found this website. And I really don’t see anything wrong with it. I will visit this site again

  12. 561 pixel width column is kind of too small on desktops.
    You could add a button that turns light off by reversing the colors of the readable section.

  13. I love the site. I gotta agree with some of the others, site does feel slightly outdated in visuals. A new logo design may be a good start.

  14. Put the comment area ABOVE the list of comments.

    It’s hard to do the scrolling when there are a lot of comments.

  15. Logo: More stylized? Less “geary/steampunk”? I don’t know how you show gadget when gadgets functionality is more electronic/less mechanical and they more and more look like just a thing you hold in your hand — looks like we’re going back to rocks as tools.
    Overall look: lighter, pale colors (iOS 7)
    Drop down menus from header links/tabs
    Softer edges, curves instead of corners, rounded boxes

  16. the narrow design is beginning to feel dated. Widescreens have given way more real estate to the designer to use. i personally dont ever use category selections – tend to use site search more for that. content is king so just keep that. Agree that the logo is ready for a revamp.

  17. Move to a responsive design so that the web site will present content that is usable on multiple devices. If I bring up the site on an iPhone I get the same site as I do on the desktop. This makes me have to zoom in and scroll around to get to information. If I’m coming to the site for a specific piece of information I will put up with that but I’m not going to stay on the site and browser around.

  18. I don’t mind the logo, but I think it would be better with a little color. And I know the ads are needed, but maybe they could be a little smaller? It feels like they take as much space as your content. Last, it would be great if the links on the homepage and under Julie’s favorite gear connected the user to reviews in addition to purchase options. But I really like this site!

  19. get rid of the subscribe now box (since it is in the title bar) and move all of the featured posts and recent review menu stuff in one column. ideally move the adverts to below the menu items. also, maybe make “Today’s Hottest Deals and Coupons” a seperate feed with just the title showing.

  20. I actually just found your page Googling for product reviews and I have to say, scrolling through the product articles has been great! Great site! I didn’t know I needed some of these things and didn’t know they existed.
    A few things, the name is great, the logo is too small, it needs to be larger at the top, lose the ad larger than your site’s name. It looks….cheap. Maybe a sub-banner ad under the header or a large sidebad ad, so you can still sell a large ad. Maybe have an ad format for the site, box with site’s style around ad with uniform sizes to make it look more integrated into the site and more professional. Not sure how ads work on a site, so maybe I’m asking for something out of your control.
    The content is really great, really interesting site.

  21. The logo should be more prominent and possibly also animated upon hovering, that would give the site a nice feel. also, some sort of background change. something that really draws the viewer’s attention without distracting from articles.

  22. Thank you for the giveaway. I like the layout as is – simple, easy to navigate, etc. The only thing I might change is your logo size. Maybe make it a bit more prominent so it doesn’t get lost beside the ad.

  23. Just in time for Christmas haha, well not exactly, but whatever, this is an awesome giveaway, good luck everybody!

  24. On the home page – the ads make it hard to find the links on the side. Maybe organize those a bit better

  25. Jessica Gabriel-Pfenning

    I love your site:) I have told all of my co workers about it and I share it with customers. I think maybe videos added to your site to show how the products work and look, like how items go into a case or how well that water bottle does keep track with your smartphone.


  26. I would go for some more colorful and eye-drawing aesthetics to the page. The current scheme does not, to me, draw much attention. I’m not saying to paint everything red with crazy fonts, but it could just use a little … Pizzazz. 🙂

  27. I notice that a lot of the comments as to what should be changed or left alone are based on personal preference so I think that overall you should just choose which layout features you like the most. Overall, I like the way it’s set up. I looks like you’ve tried to keep it simple and didn’t try to fit in as many things as I’ve seen on too many other web sites.

    That being said, I agree with a prior comment that said the menu is a little small and should be made bigger. I also am having some problems with ad covering other part of the website. I suppose the web site is customized for smaller screens and devices, but I access the site on my PC so I have huge blank spaces on both the left and right side of my monitor.

    Thanks for the contest!

  28. Please less Adds and also a better mobile layout, it takes a lot of zoom and scroll from my iphone

  29. You should add brighter colors to make your website really pop. I am not crazy about the color right now. Some neon would do you some good. Also space it out over the page more. You could also make maybe an app so you could view everything on your phone. Like previous people said, the menu should be bigger. A mobile site would be nice for phones, but other than that I like your website as it is.
    Above all, keep it clean and good looking!
    Good luck!

  30. I like the clean layout. maybe you can consider a pinned bar on the top or on the side during scrolling up/down the site.

  31. Hey, great site overall. Although it would be nicer if the ‘content’ area was slightly bigger as I end up having to scroll down the page more than on other sites. Also, it makes the ads gravitate more to the side of the page such that it’s less distracting when I browse articles. 😉

  32. Update: The winner is #22 Craig Benedict. Congrats to Craig and thank you to everyone who entered. I’ll be using your ideas for the new site layout.

    Also thank you to the sponsors of this contest.

Comments are closed.

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