Channel your inner Katniss or Robin Hood with your smartphone and the BowBlade

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I don’t play any action / arcade games on my smartphone, but that might change after seeing the BowBlade controller for iPod Touch, iPhone and Android smartphones. Install a compatible game, attach your device to the BowBlade with the specially designed clip and you’re ready to immerse yourself in the game. The BowBlade not only provides a richer gaming experience, but it exercises your arms, chest, back and shoulders while you’re playing. You have to pull back on the bow (12-17 lbs. of resistance) before you can pull the trigger, which is a stylus tip connected to a retractable line. It’s a pretty cool looking setup and I’d love to try one. The BowBlade comes in 2 styles and 3 sizes. Prices range from $89.95 to $139.95. You can buy directly from BowBlade or through other retailers like Grand St. (affiliate link).

1 thought on “Channel your inner Katniss or Robin Hood with your smartphone and the BowBlade”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. oy. I was a similar looking product demonstrated at a CES a few years ago. It looked exactly like this, however it was for calculating range and other aspects of archery. The woman demoing it in front of everyone nocked the arrow pulled back and fired into the target. It was a horribly messy release. She then angled the bow to us to show us the program, only to show everyone a very nice shattered iphone screen.

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