Archimedes would be moved by the STRONG LIKE BULL Bottle Opener

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The ancient Greek scientist and mathematician Archimedes is attributed as stating “Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the world!”  If so, Archimedes would probably have liked drinking beer with Brian Conti, creator of a crowdfunded Kickstarter project to produce a unique bottle opener.  Following his successfully funded STRONG LIKE BULL Magnets project, Brian has carried its brand and design elements forward into the STRONG LIKE BULL Bottle Opener, which is substantial, to say the least.  Machined from durable, lightweight aluminum, it is 1/2 inch thick and 6 inches long and able to apply much more leverage than smaller bottle openers.  Additionally, it is designed to fit a STRONG LIKE BULL Magnet, so you can hang your Bottle Opener from the ‘fridge or any other metal object.  Brian plans to offer the STRONG LIKE BULL Bottle Opener in several anodized colors at the end of the funding period.  $35 will get you a single Opener, while $43 will get you an Opener plus a Magnet.  But place your order soon, as the funding period ends on September 23, 2013.

4 thoughts on “Archimedes would be moved by the STRONG LIKE BULL Bottle Opener”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. $35 for something with less functionality than a church key you can get for a couple of bucks? Besides, who makes bottle caps that are so strong they need a longer lever?

    If they want to design bar equipment that’s useful, they should work on a sturdier waiter’s bottle opener with a longer, thinner corkscrew and longer lever. That’s something that Archimedes would appreciate.

  3. You know…make those holes a bit bigger and it can double as “brass knuckles”…or aluminum knuckles in this case.

    Because with enough beer, “trouble” sometimes follow 🙂 Of course, not so much with soda/pop.

  4. I own 2 of his magnets. They are strong as hell. I funded his kick-starter and got a good deal on them. 35 for a bottle opener is way to expensive and I would buy more magnets but they are to much money as well.

  5. @HildyJ – Oh, c’mon! Haven’t you ever bought something for the novelty of it? For the “this thing is ridiculously big and overdesigned and I don’t even need it but I’ve got to have one anyway” factor? If you haven’t, then you have probably missed the point of this product entirely. 🙂

    @RainyDayInterns – I actually thought of that, too. Maybe in Strong Like Bull Bottle Opener 2.0 Brian can incorporate some self-defense features. Multi-function gadgets always have more value. 😉

    @gregg – Thanks for the feedback. I was a backer on Brian’s Strong Like Bull Magnets as well and I can attest to their strength. They are as ridiculously strong as this bottle opener appears to be!

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