Win a free year of Vipre Internet Security anti-virus protection software

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This post brought to you by Vipre. All opinions are 100% mine.

vipre-internet-security-contest Earlier this summer, we told you about how VIPRE Internet Security software can keep your Windows computer safe from viruses, tracking cookies, and other malicious files.  Vipre software runs continually in the background, protecting your computer without draining your system services.  The moment I installed the Internet Security software on my Windows netbook, it started scanning my computer for malicious files already on my disk, and it continues to protect me from incoming files in email attachments, messages,  and removable media.  As mentioned in the earlier post, VIPRE Internet Security 2013 adds two-way (incoming and outgoing) Internet traffic protection, anti-intrusion protection to prevent unauthorized program changes, anti-spam protection that filters out spam and phishing emails, and blocks malicious websites to prevent you from accidentally going to a site that will harm your computer. What I like best about Vipre Internet Security software is that it protects my important files without bogging down my under-powered netbook.  With the Vipre software, I can keep working without having things grind to a halt when a scan kicks in.  I don’t worry that I’ll accidentally pick up something nasty that will corrupt my work files, because Vipre is always on the job. If Vipre Internet Security sounds like exactly what you need to protect your computer files, you now have a chance to win a one free year of Vipre Internet Security protection.


2 winners will each receive a keycode to unlock one year of Vipre Internet Security

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 09/03/2013 11:59PM EST leave a comment describing the most important files on your computer that you need to protect. 2. At some point on 09/04/2013, I’ll pick 2 random winners using The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to choose their prize(s). If I do not receive an answer to my emails in that time period, I’ll do other drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses). 2. Anyone associated with The Gadgeteer may not enter this contest. 3. is not responsible for any mis-delivered prizes.


The winners are #8 Etta and #16 jay monie

Thank you to everyone who entered and to Vipre for providing the prizes.

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19 thoughts on “Win a free year of Vipre Internet Security anti-virus protection software”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I lost many photos in the past due to viruses. Now I backup but the computer itself is still in the open. I tried many anti viruses software but would love to try yours!

  3. As always family from 1 month to 32 years,I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren.
    The family that have been taken,and being able to share with the Grandchildren what their legacy is and what it means to in the future.I show the photos with pride. Thanks

  4. My important files are the accounting files I keep for my husband’s business, and followed by pictures of the kids, grand kids and my furbabies.

  5. All files that might put me at risk for identity theft and the financial chaos possibilities that might follow…”say hello to homeless lifestyle!” Norton? McAfee? 365? AVG? Will Vipre be my go to choice? “So many choices…so little time?” So many viruses and bad things hiding in “hollow horses”out there? You can get gray hair trying to choose the right “medicine”! And it begs the question…what possible “side effects” accompany each choice? Tell us Oh great guru of all things digital…have YOU found for us the Holy Grail of viral protection? Not to mention the Biblical irony that this virus savior….. is a snake …hiding out in our silicon garden? Might we find a “Michael-the-Archangel” solution hiding just around the corner with even more magical unobtrusive virus/malware slaying powers? Only time will tell….and of course…you will be the “Janet-on-the-spot” person ready as always to bring it to your reader’s/fan’s attention! So…Keep on being our advocate for all things digital! Ok?

  6. my iTunes folder. I have literally spent hundreds of hours compiling my music and don’t know what I would or how I would feel if something bad happened to it.

  7. My most important files would be the thousands of photos I’ve taken in the past 5 years, along with countless photoshop “creations”. Currently backed up on DVD’s, 2 hard drives, 3 computers. Yeah, I’m that paranoid about losing them.

  8. I need to protect everything in windows 8,but the most important of all is the boys need to protect the pics.

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