#Lifeloggers – How do you track your life?

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The people behind Memoto, the successfully funded Kickstarter project, have created an interesting documentary about lifelogging.

This documentary touches on an important change in how people understand and remember their lives through self-tracking health devices, logs of daily activities through social networks to incoming technologies like Google Glass and Memoto

Watching the video has inspired me to start my own lifelogging project. I want to find a way to track and record almost every aspect of my daily life for the month of June. The challenge will be how to do it easily. The problem is that I don’t have the Memoto device, but I do have all sorts of fitness tracking gadgets like the Fitbit Flex, Withings WiFi scale and my smartphone (Runkeeper). But how do I get that data into one place along with my non-fitness data like the places I’ve visited, books I’ve read, movies I’ve seen, photos I’ve snapped, tweets, Facebook posts, journal entries, etc?

If you are reading this have suggestions and ideas, please leave a comment.

6 thoughts on “#Lifeloggers – How do you track your life?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Huh. Never occurred to me that tracking my or anyone else’s life in such appalling detail would be either desirable or necessary. Having said that it may serve to overload government snoops more quickly if enough people put their data into the cloud.

    1. @CR I didn’t say anything about putting all my details in the cloud. Although a lot of it already is… as is yours probably. No one cares about my data but me. So I want to collect it into one location that is accessible only by me or whoever I allow to see it.

  3. I just discovered a cool site called Tictrac (http://tictrac ) that consolidates a lot of different cloud based trackers into one spot and lets you create other trackers. It has a data export feature too.

  4. This to me, could be a double edged sword. On on hand I can say “look at all the things I do daily” and be happy. On the other hand I could say “look how little I do and how boring I am” and be depressed… Either way, being a procrastinator in training I think I will wait…

    1. @Larry I think I’m looking for a way to have a journal without having to remember to write in it every day… 😉 something like TicTrac does it for me – sorta.

  5. Dear Julie,
    As far as I can see you face the problem to keep all your lifelogging data at one place. What if there is a way to keep it together will all your important data (pictures, notes, favorites, finance reports, etc). We at Pryv made it possible now.We are doing a service where your data is keep at one place, private. You even get to choose where it is stored. You are able to see you life at a glance for a period you choose. Pryv is also a more personal way of sharing selected life streams with specific people. You may also share on social media without sacrifying data ownership. You could find out more about PRYV and support us on our crowdfunding campign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pryv-your-life-at-a-glance/x/5289451


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