You may have noticed that I seem to have a lot of bags and purses. Some of them are cheap and some are expensive, but I want to keep all of them clean and nice-looking for as long as possible. I do not want to set my bag in the floor in public places, where they’ll pick up dirt and germs (“bagteria”). There’s not always an extra chair at restaurant tables for my bag, and I don’t like to have them on my chair where they can be spilled on, banged into, or easily stolen. Gizmine comes to the rescue with their Bag Hanger Glasses. You just perch the glasses on the edge of the table and hang your bag on the other “ear piece”. The glasses are made from die-cast zinc, so they’re heavy enough to hold up to an 11-pound bag. They’re coated in an elastomer to prevent damage to the bag. You can even use them as a phone stand when they aren’t supporting your bag. The Bag Hanger Glasses are $29.99 each, in your choice of black, white, blue, green, pink, orange, or red.
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Cute, but not cute enough to be overpriced by 100%…