Spy Gadgets – Cell phone tapper

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cell phone reconWanna play international spy or probably more appropriate, concerned parent? Install this cell phone spy software from Spy Gadgets on a Symbian, Android, Blackberry or Windows Mobile smartphone (sorry, it’s not compatible with the iPhone), then login to a special website to see all the activities of that phone. You’ll be able see all incoming/outgoing SMS messages, incoming/outgoing/missed call log, incoming/outgoing emails, and you can even track location of cell phone.The software can be used on multiple phones and carries a price tag of $169.

4 thoughts on “Spy Gadgets – Cell phone tapper”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. This is the urban version of the law about cops sropping GPS trackers on your car – materialized for parents.

    Or spouses.

    Or criminals.

    Or lawyers.

    Or Naomi Campbell.

  3. I hope there are laws against these types of devices being used without the cell phone users knowledge!!!!!
    I can understand parents using this but parents should be honest with their child and let them know it is installed first and is one of the requirements for them to have a cell. To do otherwise is just plain mean…..

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