WirelessGround Capacitive Touch Screen Stylus Pen Review

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wirelessground ipad stylus 1Although the touch screen was not a new technology when the first iPhone was released, this device did usher in a new age in touch screen interactivity. Before the iPhone, most smartphone and PDA users employed a stylus as the preferred method of input. The iPhone changed that with the capacitive touch screen and true finger friendly applications. In the three years since the first iPhone came on the scene, the stylus seems to have become a rarely used accessory. That said, they can still come in very handy for some applications, such as drawing apps. I’ve been looking for the perfect stylus for my iPad and the latest one to cross my path is the Touch Screen Stylus Pen from WirelessGround.com

This stylus is similar in style to other styli I’ve reviewed. It has a light weight anodized aluminum barrel that is available in Blue, Pink, Black and Silver.

wirelessground ipad stylus 2

One end has a plastic pocket clip and …

wirelessground ipad stylus 4

the opposite end has the capacitive touch screen stylus tip. This particular stylus tip is a flexible rubber covered bulb that at first glance looks like it would be perfect for drawing apps.

My first test was to use the stylus to tap out some words in the notepad app. It actually works great for that task. I had no problems at all tapping out letters on the on-screen keyboard.

My next test was to use the stylus as a paintbrush. It failed miserably at that task. The rubber tip does not glide smoothly across the iPad or iPhone’s display. Instead, it skips across it with an awkward dragging feeling, almost like the tip is sticking to the glass. I made sure the display was clean, along with the tip, but nothing seems to solve the dragging issue.

The Touch Screen Stylus Pen from WirelessGround.com works fine for tapping icons and onscreen buttons, but if you are looking for an artist’s tool, I recommend that you look elsewhere.


Product Information

  • Available in several colors
  • Pocket Clip
  • Rubber tip can drag across touch screen

13 thoughts on “WirelessGround Capacitive Touch Screen Stylus Pen Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Those people at plai are still taking preorders,it seems nowadays ,their customer service is getting some terific problems!I liked the product,but I had to use my friend’s Estylo!Thise people have still not delivered my order!
    I had used my friend’s Estylo for 4 months and returned it because he wanted it urgently!Such a great product but bad custome support!the only other option is jot,but it’s ball tip is not so small as I want!

    Adonit invented a special technology so that, when Jot’s tip touches the screen,it should not give any misinput!
    This is important innovation from adonit because,conventionally disc tip of stylus like Dagi or any blunt conducting material gives input on a capacitive screen,creating error in input!

    Capacitive screens generally detect blunt touch of any conducting material so you cannot expect perfect aiming of a point or line when one end of these Styluses like Ostylus or Dagi has touched the screen and the other end is going to touch there after!
    Hence the winners are Adonit Jot and Estylo.Both are my favourate!
    I don’t know the secret technology Adonit team invented(something related to ball tip and cross chairs on tip),but unlike Dagi or Ostylus or any other” blunt ” material like micro fibre brush hairs,Jot surprisingly don’t give misinput!

    I am a car scientist and a car designer inventing gravity engine so I have the ability to understand how machines work!

  3. The Only one problem with jot is that you can’t aim or identify a small thin line or thin small point epwith precision because its difficult to make the ball tip more smaller!However Jot is Quite good for medium thick lines!
    Not everyone wants to work with very thinnest lines or points while sketching!Its designers and people like me who want precision at thinnest level!And I think that it’s very difficult to make jot’s tip more smaller ,for Adonit!

    You might also like this,my invention:

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  4. @Julie,I recently contacted Plai and asked to send Estylo new version to me and you for reviewing!plai says,it will sent you a sample if you haven’t preordered one.
    Thanks !

  5. I would like to see review of new samsung’s 10.1 inch tablet with S-pen stylus,unveiled few days back,it will be a great stylus-tablet option.Other optin could be Craggle Penbook tablet with standard equipment sold stylus!Could you also review new tablets with styluses!These are good iPad alternative for precision sketching.

  6. Go with surface and surface pen!Moving away from iPad forever!The eStylo is the best capacitative stylus unless you need some accuracy.

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