Think out of the box with a T.O.O.B

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TOOBs are 3 x 6 foot half dome movie screens that claim to provide an immersive movie and game playing experience. You can buy just the screen for $1590 or go with the $2560 package that includes a Mitsubishi HC1600 1280p DLP Home Theater Projector, and Logitech G51 Surround Sound 5.1 speaker system. Hmmmm, I think I’ll just stick with my junkie old 65″ RPTV for the time being. Jeez, do people really spend that kind of money on products like these?

5 thoughts on “Think out of the box with a T.O.O.B”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Wow, we made these when I was in 7-8th grade. Sphere beach umbrella spray painted with silver latex undercoat, then with offwhite top coat. Projector was from an old busted bottom projection TV. Atarii, Intelivision and original NES. Lots of fun playing Space invaders completely surrounded by the aliens.

    $0 = Broken TV
    $0 = Moms Beach umbrella stolen from hall closet
    $10 = Spray paint.

    Tho maybe the extra $2000 is to keep you from passing out from the paint fumes. But in truth it probably added to the excitement of the game. LOL

    1. @Andrew Well there you go! Someone needs to try this now and write up a review of it or post it to MAKE.

      @Mark Hahaha, you think so huh? I’d really just rather use my large flatscreen TV. I bet the picture clarity is far far superior.

  3. Now, now, Julie…if this thing had an ipod dock on it you’d probably be singing a different tune.

    I’d love to have something like this when I play my first person shooters. Though a much larger version would be better I think…something that makes me peer over my shoulder in fear would be awesome! Even still, I think its too expensive at this point.

  4. @David
    yeah…agreed. Its too small to give any real benfit. Now if it was a room-sized screen. oops…I just drooled a little on my shirt.

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