Touch-Stick is an H1N1 weapon for your keychain

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touch-stickReader Dan Rothman sent this in. If you’re worried about contracting the flu, you might want to check out the Touch-Stick. It’s an ABS plastic key shaped tool that you can attach to your keychain. It has a flat surface that you can use to press buttons at the ATM, gas station or elevator. It also has a pointed tip that can be used like a stylus on other surfaces. I would rather just use my fingers and then lick them, because I’m tough. If you think the Touch-Stick is the way to go, you can get one for $2.99.

14 thoughts on “Touch-Stick is an H1N1 weapon for your keychain”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. You’ll get virus spreading from the Touch-Stick into your pocket. I’d rather press buttons with the tip of a walking stick, umbrella or my shoe!

  3. “I would rather just use my fingers and then lick them, because I’m tough.”

    Nice… I didn’t see that one coming. 🙂

    Wouldn’t you still touch the end of that thing when you are fondling your keys looking for whatever key it is you need at the time?

  4. From the manufacturer website:

    Disclaimer: not guaranteed to protect against transmission of or infection from germs or any other harmful substances

  5. @Julie,
    You’re right but it’s easier to comment on a little gadget like this one than on a complex device, e.g. the E-Meter.

  6. I though it was a bulb suction device for putting in Contacts. Maybe a grounding device so you don’t get shocked during the Winter. Wait! How about a easy in, easy out IUD :-O

    I just think that it would be funny if you used it all day, and then get home and put it in your mouth to hold your keys not thinking.

  7. Ben, I’ve tried pushing credit card machine buttons with a key. But I found it doesn’t work because the pointy tip of the key doesn’t stay in place and therefore it’s hard to push the buttons.

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