Email your Grandma, even if she doesn’t have a computer

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Do you sometimes wish that you could email the latest family news and pictures to Grandma or Grandpa, but can’t because they don’t have a computer? Sunnygram offers an email service to connect to these “unplugged” people in your life. With Sunnygram, you assign an email address to a non-emailer (such as Gr*****@su*******.com), and then friends and family can send messages and digital pictures to that address, which are then compiled into a bright and cheery newsletter which is sent through regular mail each week.  The newsletters are customized for each recipient, with special designs for birthdays and holidays. Grandma can even respond back to her loved ones by pre-paid letter or through Sunnygram’s toll-free phone system. When Grandma replies, the response is emailed back to the original sender.  If she responds by writing, the response is scanned by Sunnygram and emailed out; if she responds by phone, the voice mail recording is emailed as a sound file. A subscription is $9.95 per month, and they will be offering 6-month and 12-month gift subscriptions over the holidays.

7 thoughts on “Email your Grandma, even if she doesn’t have a computer”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Ever look at something like this and just say “I INVENTED THAT LIKE 10 YEARS AGO!” well…. I so did.

    Probably should have done something with it, huh?

  3. For a premium “guilt free” subscription, Sunnygram will write regular letters with random news and pictures to Grandma!

  4. Eh, what’s so difficult about picking up the phone and just calling grandma ? Or addressing an envelope ? If grandma knew what lazy asses her kids/grandkids are that they cannot even bother to pick up a phone or pen for her, she’ll be broken hearted.

    1. @Chris Do you call your Grandma or writer her letters on a regular basis? If you do, then bravo. I think most people are lazy asses as you say and this is one way that might make it easier for them to stay in touch. Both sets of my grand parents are long gone, but I might have used this service if they weren’t.

  5. Julie,

    My grandma is also long gone. I lived with her for many years and was close to her. My grandparents from both sides of the family are all gone. I used to visit them pretty often ( it helps that we live in the same city ) when they were still around though. I never had to write or call them much because I would see them in person every couple of weeks or so.

  6. We signed my Grandma up for this service the day we read about it here. Everyone in the family is really excited about it! We’ll let you know how it goes. It’s nifty to be able to take a photo with my iPhone and email it to Grandma’s new Sunnygram address with a little note.

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