5 must have FREE apps for the Blackberry Storm

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bbstormThere are plenty of apps out there for just about everyone and everything,  however not everybody likes to pay for them.  So for the people out there that are what some may call “cheap” (like myself) I have come up with my list of the top 5 must have FREE apps for the Blackberry Storm.  Some on this list are productive and some are just plain fun.

#1 iheartradio


This is the app that anyone who listens to the radio at any point in the day must have.  It is a Clear Channel Radio developed application and it allows you to stream over 150 radio stations from all across the country.  You also have the option to bookmark stations and tag songs, and you can even randomize for something new whenever you like. One last thing if you are going to be using this app as much as I do (which is all day long) I highly suggest that you make sure you have an unlimited data plan. http://www.iheartradio.com

#2 QuickPull


This application is a very simple concept.  Most people know or are at least told to do a reset on their Blackberry every so often to keep it running properly.  And in order to do so you need to pull out your battery wait a few seconds then restart your device.  QuickPull actually simulates that without the hassle of having to fumble around with the battery cover and the possibility of a dropped phone! (we have all been there) Now there are two different types of QuickPull the FREE version and QuickPull pro… the main difference is that the pro version gives you access to a few different features such as being able to schedule a reset.  Why is this app important you ask?  Well it’s very simple, it closes out any applications that were forgotten about and left running and it also frees up memory and by doing this it allows your device to run smoother and faster. http://software.crackberry.com/product.asp?id=27660&n=QuickPull-Lite

#3 StormLocker


Again this is a very simple concept, but a must have!  Anyone out there that owns a Storm has at one point or another hit something on the screen with their face or cheek while on a phone call, whether it’s muting the call or putting that caller on speaker phone.  StormLocker puts an end to all of that… The way its works is simple, as soon as a call (incoming or outgoing) connects the screen locks up which allows you to forget about the way you have to hold your phone (which would be slightly away form your face).  To unlock this feature during a call is very easy there is a slide to unlock widget at the bottom of the screen (very similar to the iPhone).  This app could save you a lot of frustration and embarrassment for that matter. http://www.joekrill.com/stormlocker/

#4 logMaid

This app runs in the background so there is NO icon for it.  It is designed to clear out your event log.  There are people out there that are not aware of this so called “event log”.  All it is, is a log that keeps track of everything you do on your phone, and when that log starts to build up (and it will very fast) it takes up a ton of memory that you aren’t even aware of.  Every hour it will clean out your event log freeing up extra memory for you and you don’t ever have to do a thing.

#5 Viigo


This application is a bit of everything at your fingertips.  It’s only one click away from News, Weather, Entertainment, Sports (scores and schedules), Stocks, Flight information, Movies, Shopping, and of course your social networking like Twitter and Facebook.  You can tell Viigo your interest and it keeps itself up to date…So all your info is available immediately.  It’s the app that gets to know you!  Its just the information that you care about instantly.  http://www.viigo.com/

Now keep in mind there are more Apps being developed everyday, so be sure to check back regularly because I’m sure this list will change on a regular basis.  But for now I hope these are as useful to you as they are for me!

2 thoughts on “5 must have FREE apps for the Blackberry Storm”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. James,
    Thanks for the positive feedback on my choice of apps. I am playing around with a few new ones right now. So as soon as I figure out which ones are going to be “must haves” I will definately let you know! And do not be afraid to let me know if there is anything you think I should be checking out.

  3. I have the new 8220 flip, but I can,t I’m no one because all my contacts appear offline all the time even when they are not, I have yahoo messenger by the way any ideas?

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