Fresh Riffs?…Try the Altoids amp

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mint_tin_pocket_guitarampThis little beauty, otherwise known as the “Mint Tin Pocket Amp” is great for that guitar player on the go.  We all knew that Altoids tins were good for storing certain things… However, who would have thought they could be used for this?  This mini amp is for the guitar player that just has to have it all and it only costs $40.  This amp/tin is powered by a single 9v battery and has just enough room for your headphones and amp jack.  This mini amp is great if you are in a group of people or a classroom and you happen to have your guitar with you and you just have to hear that riff that is playing over and over in your head.  In other words I don’t know how practical this thing is but at least it looks cool and it will definitely start conversations.   If you think this is different check out the other stuff that the people over at have…  All I can say now is ROCK ON!

1 thought on “Fresh Riffs?…Try the Altoids amp”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. This reminds me of the small amp that an engineer friend of mine designed for me a bazillion years ago (at least 15yrs ago). I still have it somewhere. Hello Paul Banasik if you’re out there 🙂

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