Win a Palm Pre from Sprint

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winpalmpreSprint is giving 2 lucky winners a FREE Palm Pre with 1 year of Simply Everything service and a Palm Touchstone. This is your chance to talk, text, surf, email, map and plan in real time.  Enter to win and Sprint will notify you when this fully live phone hits the streets.

The sweepstakes is open now and ends at 11:59pm CDT on Monday, May 18, 2009.

Check out for complete Official Rules, including entry instructions and prize details.

9 thoughts on “Win a Palm Pre from Sprint”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Julie: How about this–when I win, I promise I will write up an exclusive Gadgeteer review. Now put in a good word for me 😀

    To me, this is the phone to beat right now. The iPhone is great but I really don’t like the way the UI works. I hate not being able to have categories for apps, a wallpaper on the app launcher, etc. My Centro is my favorite phone now, but I have to admit most of the Palm OS apps that are worth their salt are either old and kind of buggy on the Centro or expensive. I really, really wish iPhone-like pricing will make it’s way to the Pre. I would love to have a huge selection of games and other apps for 99cents. I would buy so much more software then. Right now, I have to pay $10 for Bejeweled when iPhone users can get the same game for $3? No thanks.

    1. @Tyler I’m not sure we can really say the Pre is the phone to beat until we actually get our hands on one and test it out. 🙂 But that said, I’m soooooo looking forward to doing that asap.

  3. @Julie:

    I envy you. I certainly hope it is all it’s cracked up to be. I hope either a GSM version follows soon or they release a different device for GSM, as has been rumored. A Centro replacement. Put me on the list for one of those!

    Unfortunately Sprint has pretty poor coverage in my area. Nextel is great, but even though the two companies are now one my understanding is Nextel uses iDen network and Sprint uses CDMA…

    1. @Tyler I definitely want a GSM version, Sprint coverage here isn’t very good. But I’ll be happy to get my hands on a Pre anyway I can 🙂

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