Spotlight Gadget – CS600X Cycling Computer

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The Polar CS600X is a high-end cycling computer that features GPS mapping capabilities that when viewed through Polar ProTrainer 5 software on Google Earth, show color coded maps for heart rate zones. When paired with the CS cadence sensor, and the Power Output Sensor W.I.N.D., you can view all sorts of data, including power output, pedaling index, and Left/Right pedaling distribution.

14 thoughts on “Spotlight Gadget – CS600X Cycling Computer”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Any chance they’d send one for review? I’d love to see how this stacks up against Garmin’s Edge products. Is the wireless communication they’re using proprietary, or is it compatible with other brands (like with Garmin’s ANT+)?

    1. @Kevin: I probably could get them to send an eval to review, but I’m not a cyclist… and definitely not this time of year. It is 15 degrees this morning. Brrrrrr 🙂

  3. Aww, but that’s when it’s fun to go out! Any temp. below freezing is just a little more motivation to keep moving 🙂

  4. I have used the Polar 720i for a few years. It is an accurate HRM with very occasional interference from overhead electrical wires. It’s easy to tell when that occurs because the heart rate number spikes to 220. I find it especially useful when riding the same route on weekly club rides as a way of measuring fitness with other variables removed. I don’t have the power meter or cadence functions so can’t comment on those.

    There are a lot of functions buried in the device menus that take some time to learn. I guess that is the price for having so many functions in a single device.

    Now, if you need a volunteer to do testing …

  5. Hi everyone,

    Chris from Polar here.

    The Cs600x is a great upgrade from the S720i. The new W.I.N.D technology used for the sensors virtually eliminates any interference.

    The W.I.N.D technology is proprietary and not on the Ant+ platform.

    Feel free to shoot me any questions. I’m also on twitter..@chrispolarusa

    Have a great weekend

    Chris @ Polar

  6. Hey Chris,

    I have a Polar CS200 +CAD I have a ton of problems with the speed sensor dropping out. I have replaced it once but the problem remains. I am also looking for a speed sensor that can be mounted to read from the back wheel. Will the CS600 do that. I know with my old S720I you could open the speed sensor and change a jumper to “High Power” and it would work from the rear wheel but the new CS200 sensor is sealed and the range is very poor.

    Thanks for your time.

  7. Hi Kyle,

    Something is wrong. I put over 3000 miles on my Cs200 before I moved up to the CS600 and never once did I have a drop out. I saw you are following me on twitter. DM me your number and we will work out your issue ASAP. The sensor range is too short for the rear wheel but should work 100% as advertised.

    Regarding your question. The CS600x uses a new 2.4gHz frequency for all sensors, which means plenty of distance for anything. Rear wheel is fine. The distance is more than enough. Funny story- I was riding with a few buddies and we stopped for a few minutes. One friend was watching my heart rate outside on my CS600x while looking after the bikes as I was in a store getting some water.

    Thanks for the follow on twitter by the way!

    Chris @ Polar USA
    Hope this helps..

    Chris @ Polar USA

  8. I wonder if there will be a CS400X! I don’t want/need the power monitoring stuff (the polar way), so the CS400 with GPS would be just great

  9. Hi Chris,

    Couple of questions regarding the CS600X

    1. I compete in a race which is 330+ miles which is unsupported and nonstop. I was originally looking at the Garmin Edge, but since it’s rechargeable, I’ve counted that out. I assume the CS retains current ride info during battery changes?

    2. How sensative and accurate is the gps receiver and is there a remote cable sensor available so I can keep the sensor itself in my camelback?

    The CS600X looks like a fantastic unit, and I’m anxious to purchase one.

    Thank you for your help!


  10. Hi Chris

    are they looking at making the power sensors small like what they did with the Speed and Cad?


  11. Søren from Denmark

    Hi Chris

    My girlfriend got me the CS600x with GPS G3 for my birthday (great present – and great girl).

    I wonder if it´s OK to put the GPS under the seat on my bike? Is it weather resistant enough when it´s raining

    /Søren from DK

  12. Quick question Chris,

    I looked at the comparison between the CS600 and the CS600X is the only difference the Irda connection and the new 2.4 gHz?

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