Help me pick my next phone to review

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Ok guys, I need your help! I need (ok, I want…) a new phone, but I don’t know which one to choose. I’m going to list a few that look interesting to me and I’d appreciate some feedback.

My criteria for phone picks are that they are unlocked GSM phones with the 850mhz band, $500 or less and that they aren’t boring 😉


Samsung M8800 Pixon – Touch screen phone with 8MP camera. I’ve not played with a Samsung phone in ages…


Nokia E63 – People have suggested this one to me before and look at all the buttons!


T-mobile / HTC G1 Google Phone – I’ve been curious about this one since it was released. Might be time to take a close look now that I can buy one that’s unlocked.


Sony Ericsson C905 – Not sure why I picked this one… 8MP camera looks nice.

Ok, that’s a few that I’ve been thinking about. Do you guys have others that you think I’d enjoy using and reviewing? Let me know, leave some comments! 🙂

42 thoughts on “Help me pick my next phone to review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I think either the Pixon, Nokia E71 or the G1. The E63 is probably too cut down for you and the C905 is a feature phone. The Pixon is as well but there’s more to play with.

  3. I vote for the M8800. I have been pretty happy with my Samsung SCH-i760 and it’s touch screen. Biggest problem is the occasional lock-up and the rotten response for most camera functions.

  4. pedropereira10012

    Personally, try the C905. I have a K800i and a V640i and I am pretty please with them. The C905 seems a great phone and I’m planning to buy one.

  5. @Simon: I have an Xperia X1 coming soon-ish. I won one in a contest last year, but they aren’t sending the prizes to the winners till February! How cruel! 🙂

  6. I think you should try the Samsung Omnia. With the failure of the Storm as Verizon’s answer to the Iphone, I believe this little-heard-of phone may be the unknown hero we’ve been looking for.

  7. Check out the G1…I have been dying to find out how the Android OS holds up to other phone OS’s. Thanks for your reviews Julie!

  8. the omnia isn’t that good . my friend has one and i’m not a big fan julie i’m not sure if anyone said this but… NOKIA E63 i’m a big fan of nokia’s a carry a really old one i even dropped in a bucket of water (accidently :0 lol) and it still works i might be getting a new phone soon i dunno but anyway go with the one you want to review the most

  9. Try the nokia E71. I think the picture you display is actualy the E71 and not the E63. It the best smartphone out there and isn’t overly expensive. Lacks in multimedia function though.

  10. Out of the ones you listed, I’d agree with most of the other posters and say you’ve got to try the G1.

    Although it doesn’t yet meet any of your criteria (nor is it even out) you’ve got to give the Nokia N97 a review when it is officially released.

  11. It’s not that new but I’ve been looking for a powerful, useable smartphone and I’m leaning heavily toward the Nokia E90; none of the others seem to quite match up (had a quick search of the blog but couldn’t see it mentioned…otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it).

  12. Julie
    I have seen other reviews on the web about the Samsung Omnia i900 and i910. It is rated better than the Blackberry Storm on most comparisons I have seen. I purchased the Blackberry Storm, the HTC Touch Pro, I did not like either one of them. I returned the Blackberry Storm for the HTC Touch Pro then returned the HTC Touch Pro for the Samsung Omnia i910. I like the Samsung Omnia i910 far better.

  13. I’d love to see a review for the Nokia E63. It seems to be a very nice business phone with qwerty keyboard (yippy!) at an affordable price.

  14. I’d like to hear about the G1. My last 3 phones have been HTC’s. While the technology is great, support is the worst. But, Android OS sounds interesting.

    The different operating systems create a dilemna. I like all the add-on software (calendars, games, chats, shells, golf scorecards, etc.) but they only work on one operating system. After finally prying myself away from Palm, now I’m entrenched with Windows Mobile and have about $200 in extra software. Not that I’m happy with WM, the start screen with the silly flip-time on WM6.1 is annoying. But to go away from WM would involve starting all over again with different OS, different programs. UGH!

    I’d also like to hear about the Sony Xperia X1 since you’re getting one later. It has the same warning as my HTC Touch HD; that 3G does not work in the US. I can’t even tell that it doesn’t have 3G. With WiFi available almost everywhere and the faster processor, it’s a great trade-off.

    ‘Looking forward to your reviews.

  15. I have been using nokia’s for some years now.
    I’m very pleased with my nokia E90.
    Have a try with an E90, I’d say.

  16. My vote is the SE C905 (since I’d like that as my secondary phone). I wish the SonyStyle stores had them–I’d pair it with my MBW-100 watch. My primary? Keep reading…

    And I agree with JohnKes–see if Palm will let you review a Pre in time for (or shortly before) launch. Since most people will be using the Sprint model, request a GSM one for comparison. I know I’ll be getting an unlocked GSM one once it’s out…

  17. The overwhelming majority has been the G1, so I just finished ordering one. Rob pointed out that I could save some $$’s by signing up as an Android developer. So that’s what I did! Should have it sometime next week.

    @Philip @ Mark: I’m definitely going to import the Palm pre GSM version as soon as it’s available. I think I heard that there would be one released in europe at the same time as the Sprint CDMA version here. Hope that’s true 🙂

  18. My personal vote would be the E63, as I liked the E61 except for its general sluggishness … but the G1 is definitely FAR more interesting 🙂

  19. Hi Julie!

    I vote for Palm Pre! The Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is a great phone I use it every day at work.. But the Palm Pre got me thinking of the times in the late 90:s, when I first read all your reviews of Palm Pilots. Great reviews! (Those were the days ;D).. The Palm Pre got me thinking of the wonderful search function in my latest Palm Zire 72, how every app started in a few seconds.. 😀

    / Andreas

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