The Gadgeteer’s HP Magic Giveaway Contest Search For A Winner (Third Cut)

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We are now down to 10 entries. I know this is hard for all of you that are waiting to see if you win, but believe me, this is extremely hard on me too. Fun, but very hard…

Go check the third cut flickr set to see if you’re still in the race.

The next cut will be posted very soon and will be the final 3… Good luck!

11 thoughts on “The Gadgeteer’s HP Magic Giveaway Contest Search For A Winner (Third Cut)”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far 🙂 . I really feel bad for you Julie, it must be terribly hard deciding between such great pieces of art. Good luck to everyone who entered!

    [Edited at December 08, 2008 18:49:04 PM.]

  3. Thanks Julie for a fun contest! Did you see your Third Cut Flickr Set had over 700 views before you even had all 10 photos picked! A lot of people were reloading the page to see if theirs were picked! (Me included) I may have not won, but you gained a new reader to your site! Good luck to all of the Finalists!


  4. Gary:

    I’m sorry that you didn’t make this cut. Please understand what it’s like for me to only be able to choose one winner. It’s very hard and I have knots in my stomach too.

    For all those of you that don’t win, I have a few other contest coming up with nifty prizes and easier contests :o)

  5. Great luck to the winner…it was fun, maybe my name is on another prize package somewhere…soon I hope. This contest is killing me!!!!

  6. Kenneth:

    Yes, I did notice that you guys have been smart enough to find the flickr sets before I made them public ;o) Sneaky! :o)

    Ok, now back to figuring out the final 3. Believe it or not, I still don’t know who will be #1.

  7. oooh i still have one entry left im shaking like im 8 years old, this is sorta fun in a stressy kinda way…im so making weird faces right now…

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