Themes, Love Them Or Hate Them?

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I seem to be on a roll lately with posting reviews in sets or themes. First it was the Bluetooth products theme week, then last week it was products that have to do with sound or audio. Now this week I’m on a roll with flashlight reviews. So my question for you all is this: Do you dislike the weeks when I review products that are all of a similar type, topic, theme, genre? Are you rolling your eyes saying “Julie, enough is enough!”. Let me know what you think because I have another theme planned for next week… maybe. ;o) Here’s a hint: Products that move…

9 thoughts on “Themes, Love Them Or Hate Them?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I have to say the theme reviews don’t really bother me much. Sure, during the Bluetooth week I would have liked to see something more exciting, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ll still visit every time my RSS reader flashes 🙂

  3. Likewise. What would help is if you set it off properly with a list of what you’ll be reviewing. Pretty much what you did for the bluetooth headsets if I remember correctly. A simple comparison table at the end of the thematic review would help.
    My $0.02.

  4. I like the variety of seeing totally different things throughout the week. A particular theme may not be of much interest to me and you’d loose me for the week in that case. So, no, I don’t care much for themes.

  5. I would have to agree that the week of just Bluetooth headsets and then this current week of mostly flashlight reviews can get boring for some people. I have another flashlight for tonight (Not a Coast LED Lenser this time… even though I do have one more from them yet to write about) though. It has a unique feature though, which I hope makes the review a bit more interesting.

    The idea of including a list of products that I would be reviewing for the week is a bit scary for me because I’ve learned from past mistakes that when I say I’m going to do something, it inevitably ends up that I won’t be able to do it after all. ;o)

    Next week I have planned to do reviews of things that move. Only 2 of these things are similar, the 3rd item isn’t even in the same category… but it does move. Anyone care to guess what these items might be? ;o)

  6. I’m with the people visiting every time my RSS reader says there’s a new post, but I like the reviews mixed up (i.e. no themes).

    As for moving things.. a rolling/moving alarm clock?

  7. Anson:

    I’d love a Segway! I’ve actually had the opportunity to try one for just a few minutes and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the location where I live is not compatible with a Segway. My house is on a gravel road and it’s in a rural area. My day job is about 12 miles away by highway. I think I’d look mighty funny riding down the edge on a 2 wheeled vehicle ;o)

    Meredyth: Ok, I’d be more likely to have a Segway than a hovercraft! Silly ;o)

    Joe: Did you miss the Clocky review on Monday? ;o)

    Ok, here are the items that I’m hoping to be able to review for next week:
    Roomba, radio controlled Apache helicopter, and a radio controlled tiny tiny indoor airplane. That’s the plan. We’ll see if I actually am able to do all three or don’t end up changing my mind on a couple of them.

  8. Michael Thompson

    One of the things I love about this site is that things are presented in a way that, for some reason, makes it easy for me to filter out the stuff that doesn’t interest me directly, be it in or out of a theme.
    I don’t always comment, but I visit often to read.

    Do what you like. It’s all good w/me! 😀

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