Let It Snow

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We had 6 or so inches of snow today! Thought I would share some pictures that I snapped about halfway through the storm.

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I love snow when you can look out at it from inside a nice warm house ;o) Speaking of which, the high temperature here today was only 15 degrees!

8 thoughts on “Let It Snow”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Piccies look postcard perfect Jules!
    Just for the record, we are having a bit of a heat wave here. Today is nice at 27C (about 85F), but last week hit 38-40C (about 100-105F). We are also smack bang in the middle of the worst drought the country has ever experienced so everybody is going crazy to conserve water.
    Can you send some of that snow down??

  3. Wow! A nice warm high of 15 degrees?! Where I live in Michigan the high the other day almost reached 2 degrees… with a low of -20 (with wind chill). Sounds like you’ve got some nice warm weather there. 😉

  4. Murray:
    Where do you live? I’m moving there. I’ll bring some rain with me :o)

    It was 3 degrees when I drove into work this morning. Brrrrrrrrr!

  5. Sorry Jules, I should of said…..Adelaide, South Australia.

    Sing along now….
    Blue skies shining on me….nothing but blue skies where I’ve been….


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